Additional 622 for $99 Upgrade Information....

Scott Greczkowski said:
Myself I have a 942, 921 and a 811 that I need to upgrade. I was actually going to call and upgrade the 811 today however now with this notice I will wait. :)

Does this mean you have 3 HD TVs in your house :)
Thanks for the info, Scott...this is the reason I frequent/love this site.

I'm with you. I have a 942 and 2 811s (2 HDTVs, 1 SD [for now] I want to watch all my HD channels Lbx on) I wanted to upgrade at the same time--if a bit more patience means info will roll out that says that can happen...its all good (I hope they make it happen sooner than later, though, I've been biding my time for a while now :D). In short--you saved me from some potential frustration/confusion, I was all set to bite my lip and pull the trigger tomorrow on a solo 942 swap/upgrade.
dlsnyder said:
Its strange how they come up with this the day before the killer $99 lease deal is about to start...

My thinking is that they expect to be pounded with orders for the 622 on 4/1 and know that they have no where near enough in stock to cover it. By floating this out it may get some to delay to a point they can cover the orders in a reasonable time frame. I am thinking people are fixing to have to start waiting a few months to get there 622s.

Right now it has been 19 days since I ordered my 622. I was told it would be shipped to me and I have not seen it yet. My install is supposed to be in another 8 days. I am getting worried.
mb1058 said:
At worst case a 942 should cost roughly the same as a 625 as they end up having the same functionality. That would put the value at above $300.

The 921/942 will still get OTA HD, regardless of what is transmitted via satellite. That in itself should give it a bit more value than the 625. Well, for the 942 at least as the 921 doesn't have NBR.
datwell said:
I guess this is a dumb question but - I understand that starting 4/1 I can get the $200 credit for upgrading my 942 to a 622. Can't I also get my 811 upgraded to a 211 at the same time for either $49 or $99?

I just called tech support about an hour ago and asked this very question. They told me I could upgrade my 942 for $99 after rebate, but I would have to buy any additional receivers ($799 for VIP 622 and $399 for 211's). I have a 942 and 2 811's right now. Would love to do it all at once.
How is that possible? I thought you could only do one receiver every 12 months. One of the big knocks on this whole deal was that thery were being stingy about people having more than 1 mpeg-4 receiver in a single household. Did I miss something?
Take it for what it's worth, but just got off the phone with a Dish CSR and was discussing programming options, when I asked if he'd heard about the rumor of the promo to upgrade to a 622 and own it and he said he had, but that it wasn't going to start until May. That's all we got to discuss, as dinner arrived and had to drop.

I don't know, but for me, I think the leasing vs. owning can be a would take almost 3 years to break even to buy (assuming buying one for $299 with trade in of 921/942 vs. lease upgrade at $99 and trading 921/942), not counting what it might be worth in 3 years and I've had the 921 for just over two and am all ready upgrading, so I think I will be calling tomorrow to upgrade and lease a 622...that after I just bought a 622 for $489 on Ebay from EverythingDish....does anybody know anything about them...I was shocked I actually won for that, as when I called them so see if the price was correct, they said most sell for over $600 by the time most auctions end... let me know....

To clarify, I meant upgrade once every 12 months. Sure you could go buy as many mpeg-4 receivers you want and pay through the nose. But in order to do it through dish and get their upgrade discounts, you gotta wait.
Finally, Good news for 942 owners !

Scott Greczkowski said:
yeah I know the dealers get screwed again...

But from where I sit this is a consumer site and we are here to help consumers. With that said SHOP DishStore.NET for all your Dish Network needs. :D

BTW I am hearing some rumblings that if you want to OWN the 622 and trade in your 921 or 942 that the cost may be $499 and then there will be a rebate of $200 bringing the cost down to $299. There will also be a programming commitment of 18 months of the HD bronze package or better. But this way you will OWN your 622 instead paying to lease it. (I should note that this is just a RUMOR and may not be the official rules of the promotion when it is announced.)

If this is true Scott, I will take back what I said before and remain a customer. This is the good news I was hoping for ! :D
For what it is worth, I just ordered a 622 to replace my 921 using the special 888 number. I was asked if I wanted to upgrade my 942 as well, so maybe they are allowing multiple upgrades already.
DucTape said:
Not for me anyway and if they are for others I would like to call them back and ask how they do dat for them and not me.

I called back to an HD tech and he said I could not upgrade my 811 to a 211, only my 921 to 622. anybody have a prob. with calling the IDR number to confirm shipping of 622?
rmoore3d said:
For what it is worth, I just ordered a 622 to replace my 921 using the special 888 number. I was asked if I wanted to upgrade my 942 as well, so maybe they are allowing multiple upgrades already.

Yes but you dont own it and will be paying a $6 lease fee per month per receiver.

I understand that it it leased not owned. I was refering to the future offer to allow ungrades for multiple HD receivers. She acted like I could get a 2nd 622 with rebate for my 942. I didn't qustion her further because I wasn't interested in it at this time.
rmoore3d said:

I understand that it it leased not owned. I was refering to the future offer to allow ungrades for multiple HD receivers. She acted like I could get a 2nd 622 with rebate for my 942. I didn't qustion her further because I wasn't interested in it at this time.

If anyone else can get confirmations on this, that would be great. For me, as many others here I've seen, multiple room upgrades is a HUGE issue. I appreciate the desire for some to own, but that's seperate from this for me. So far I see two people asserting that Dish is allowing multiple MPEG-4 lease upgrades...can we get another Amen from the choir? Or better yet, some official statement!!
Scott Greczkowski said:
Yes but you dont own it and will be paying a $6 lease fee per month per receiver.

Comon' Scott. Yes, it's a $6 lease fee, but this replaces the $5 Mirroring Fee. So, it's really on $1 extra per month.

If you're gonna take a Metal package anyway, I don't see much downside to leasing. Yea, owning MIGHT be a better deal if you consider box resale value, but selling is also more hassle, and you really can't predict the future value of the box (lower then any deals Dish is offereing, and A LOT lower if the box is obsoleted).

Considering I'm getting back $200 for each 921, I'm down $1300 after 2 years of usage. Since the monthlys are about the same, I think it's better to minimize the upfront cost.

My biggest problem with the lease, is that Dish doesn't service the box if it fails outside the warranty (unless you have insurance). If they don't want to cover repairs then I feel I should be able to repair it myself (like swapping a failed HDD).

shanewalker: I ordered upgrades for both my 921's. The initial CSR transferred me to the exec office to work the arrangements. I do feel this deal should be better. Yes, you're getting two upgrades, but there is no way you're gonna need to Dish upgrades.

My guess is they will offer this down the road. I just want my new toys now. I also want all programming on both my HDTVs.

old 3000 receivers

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