Adding rcvr

Well, that is hard to understand! The short answer is, "No", the presence or absence of a DP34 should not affect the DPP44 and the receivers directly connected to it. Only the receivers connected through a separator with one coax to the DP34 should be seeing a partial signal loss. I would be suspicious that you've scrambled those cables somehow. Or maybe you left a separator on the end of the wrong cable.

The rule is DishPro Plus switches such as the DPP44 feed dual-tuner receivers via a single coax and a separator. Plain DishPro switches such as the DP34 require a coax to each tuner without a separator.

Was the DPP44 all by itself working OK?
TheKrell said:
Well, that is hard to understand! The short answer is, "No", the presence or absence of a DP34 should not affect the DPP44 and the receivers directly connected to it. Only the receivers connected through a separator with one coax to the DP34 should be seeing a partial signal loss. I would be suspicious that you've scrambled those cables somehow.

Was the DPP44 all by itself working OK?

Impossible that the cables got mixed. The rcvrs I added are 5 ft from switches. This is why I asked about the max tuners. Is there a limit on the tuners like DTV (8).

No there was 2 switches. Can't remember if the 2nd was a 44 or 33. Why I changed it to a 34 is anyone's guess. But I taking one problem at a time.
No there was 2 switches. Can't remember if the 2nd was a 44 or 33. Why I changed it to a 34 is anyone's guess. But I taking one problem at a time.

But if you installed two switches at a time, you are potentially creating two problems at a time!

You haven't mentioned what's on the roof, but I imagine it's a 1000.2 or a 1000.4. If a DPP33 or DP34 can turn off the internal switch in either of those dishes, it's news to me. The DPP44, however, can.

Therefore it is imperative that you put the DPP44 first in the chain. All 3 existing receivers (after a check switch) should behave as they did before. One additional receiver should also work as advertised on the 4th DPP44 output port. For a 5th 612, you will need to daisy-chain switches. The second switch could be a DP34, but then you would need to run 2 cables (one for each tuner) to that 5th 612. Or a DPP33 or a DPP44 will also work with a single cable.

IIRC the passthrough ports on the DPP44 are buffered. If you don't have power on the 1st DPP44, the second switch (whatever it is) will get no signal. With all switches powered, you can daisy chain 3 switches for a total of 12 duo receivers. So "12" is the obvious limit.
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Couple of question for Dirt

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