Adding a motor to dish

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SnockZilla said:
PSB, really appreciate the help. Instructions for the motor say to be careful removing the arm because the "slider" could drop into the motor. I would like to work on it off the motor though.

Actually the manual meant not to loosen the slider limit screws too far, it doesn't have anything to do with the arm(mounting tube). ;)

That part of the manual only has to do with setting the EAST & WEST limit sliders. (So you don't whack into solid object nearby). I didn't bother messing with mine. On top of the roof, you shouldn't need to bother yours either.

You can take the arm off without fear of losing anything. (see attachment pic) :D


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So far this is where I'm at

I am moving the dish from the roof to the ground. This is what I have done so far. Got a 2 3/8 inch pole and 80 lb bag of concrete. Post hole dug down 36 inches. Flattened 12 inches of bottom of pole so it will not spin once set in the concrete. Pole is plumb all the way around. Picked up aluminum flashing and wrapped the pole on the motor so it will fit snug inside the dish pole slide mount. Attached the motor to the dish. Now just waiting for the concrete to set so I can mount the dish and motor and start the alignment process. Check out the pics. I will post the dish installation when complete.


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Excellent post for dishmount

I was able to get my hands on a parking meter post from the the city here in Jacksonville. The post is extremely sturdy and rock steady. Once I planted the post in the ground with concrete it has not budged at all. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in the discussion. :)
I would also fill the pole with concrete all, leave a few inches at the top and pour some water down the inside of the pole it really helps the pole to stay straight and not to flex to much when you put the dish on!
Pipe Filled

PSB said:
I would also fill the pole with concrete all, leave a few inches at the top and pour some water down the inside of the pole it really helps the pole to stay straight and not to flex to much when you put the dish on!

PSB, I was going to hook up the motor/dish tonight, however I took your advise and filled the pipe with concrete. I will attempt the install tomorrow.
Works for me, every little helps! Its probably over kill but if you are going to do something might as well do it well, good luck tomorrow.
Quick Question

I'm ready to hook up the dish/motor. My most south sat is SBS6, however my Pansat 2500 does not show that bird. Is it under a different name? If not how do I add it with the proper settings? Thanks. Hoping for a quick response.
you have to add it

go into the TP info (the bottom one in the install screen) where you can edit TP's and add it

use 11741 H 6616 for a TP. If you have USALS, you'll have to type it in as to what loc it is (74)
Help Me Understand!!!

Ok, I understand to turn the dish/motor together to my most south sat. As far as alignment of elevation angle of the motor and setting declination angle on the dish is another story. I'm lost..... My latitude position is 39.9, I think. So according to the manual on the SG-2100 the elevation angle on the motor housing should be set at 51. Is that right? Then the declination angle should be 30 degrees - 6.1. And that setting is on the dish bracket. Is that right? I have no idea what they mean on page 7 column (b) for dish bracket angle. Please help and let me know if I am setting this up right. Also, once I get it set right and lined up on SBS 6, what is the next step to using the motor with the Pansat 2500. I suppose I go into setup, pick the sat I want to view, then what. Sorry for all the questions........
Set motor to 50 deg. elevation. The dish declination is 6.2 deg. Swing round and try to get quality on your true south satellite.
PSB said:
Set motor to 50 deg. elevation. The dish declination is 6.2 deg. Swing round and try to get quality on your true south satellite.

OK, gotcha there. Now when I go into antenna setup and pick my sat, there is a setting for "Positioner Setting" There are 3 choices: Disable, 1.2 and USALS. Which one do I set it for? And once set for the sat I pick the dish should automatically move to that sat, correct?
I don't have a Pansat : ) So take it as advice for now until a Pansat user jumps in, I would set it to USUALS I guess but only after you get your true south bird peaked in, then if everything is set right it will move to the desired satellite, USUALS is not exact but gets you very close to where the satellite is, you may then have to click left or right from where the USUALS takes you, then store the position of the satellite, first things first, is to find the true south bird.
PSB- Sounds good to me. :D

You can use either 1.2 or USALS. USALS is automatic like PSB said once you get true-south dialed in. (Or your closest tru-south sat)

If you use 1.2, you have to manually move the dish E or W with the LEFT/RIGHT arrows until you get to the sat you are looking for and then STORE the position as 27-49 instead of NULL. Write them down. I have accidentally overwritten a position more than once. USALS is soo much easier.

You may have to edit the sat position with USALS. (Thanks -Berg for this tip!)

IA5(Telstar 5) is at 97.0' W.

On my USALS, I have it set to 97.1W and it comes in perfect. This takes into account that my pointing might be a smidge off.

Its cheating but it works.
Which Sat is this?

I scan and get 5 channels. ABCHE which is scrambled and 4 FAIR channels which are foreign. Can't seem to find it on lyngsat. Anybody know which sat this is? I'm trying to lock on to SBS6 and can't find it. I would like to know which way to turn from where I am at. I think I'm close to SBS6.
Does not ring a bell, and I cant check as I have my blind search receiver packed up for a service call this morning, give us some more details of the foreign channels, names.....
Just back from the service call, ungrounded system receiver blown! Its all well and fine installing a satellite system yourself but it MUST be grounded to local and NEC code, or they just dont seem to last!
Anyway managed to do a scan of SBS6 NOTHING there right now, so that does not help to say the least, next time you want to check SBS6 ask someone here to see if there is anything live on.
What Now?

If SBS6 is not broadcasting anything, what is the best way to set my motor up? I want to get this thing up and running........
I will have another scan, but it has got to be pointed to your true south satellite, it will make life a lot easier, it will be worth the wait. I will post here when there is something on, but if its a feed you may have to be fast!
I may be having problems at this end, let me try for Ohio News......

Yep its there, aim for that, I may have hooked up my receiver wrong as I was using it this morning for a service call.
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