Due to the weight of a Primestar 1.2 meter(or Channel Master), has anyone ever installed a c-band acuator arm on one? Might be a very cool little setup.
Due to the weight of a Primestar 1.2 meter(or Channel Master)....
LOL. Meaning the Primestar 1.2 and the CM 1.2 are the same thing...and heavy.huh?
I thought about getting the larger replacement shaft for the SG2100 to help the wind load,
My Channel Master 1.8m dish weighs a whopping 81 pounds. The H180 has a limit of 59 pounds, so this will not work for Swamp since I believe the PrimeStar dish will be heavier as well for this drive.
Let me say . . .it's a 1.8!
Just not sure if it's feesable to attempt getting one this size ...
LOL. I got it. Actually its the first 1.8 meter Channel Master I've ever laid eyes on. Anyway, this one I'm looking at seems like its on a 4" post and its about 15 ft up. If I CAN get it...should prove interesting getting it down.Let me say . . .
On behalf of all of us who lust for such a beauty . . .
"If you don't drag it home, we're going to organize a beat-down party, and come visit you!"
For goodness sakes, take it home, and worry about what to do with it later! I've been thinking about a 6' Fortec like Iceberg has.
If there were a 6' Channel Master around, I'd stop thinkin' and start doin' !
I know where I can pick up a couple of CM 1.8's (reflectors only, no mounting hardware or feed arms). Been considering asking for them anyway
swampman take some help. If you cant get on the roof to get it , I think I would try to unbolt the dish from the mount and lower it down. It shouldnt be that heavy then, just unwieldy. You should get some great signals off that thing.
Couple of questions Popcorn; 1-does that 81 lbs include the hardware on back of dish, or just the dish itself?
2-what size post does that monster fit on?
3-is that a 1.2 or the 1.8 in your avatar?
To reduce costs, I'm actually going to plant a short 4.5" O.D. PVC pipe into wide bottom rubber tub and place an adapter ontop to reduce the size to 3" in order to fit the AZ/EL mount for the 1.2m CM dish onto. The mount will then bolt onto a pressure treated wooden frame on which the dish will also mount onto. The dish will then be positioned within the corner of my deck. I should have it completed within the next week or two and will supply pictures.
I am using my 1.2m for KU band and plan on using the 1.8m for C band.
Z4 I really like that setup. That rock bed gives that area a very neat appearance too!