Kryspy said:Dishpro 500,
You are a brave man plugging in your receiver from Canada. I'd think they would flag any out of country numbers some how.
But then again they are more than happy to turn a blind eye and take your money just like ExpressVU and Starchoice do to their "southern" subscribers.
If I knew it was this easy I'd be tempted to buy a 622 and sub to DISH myself.
P.S. There is nothing in your signature or profile that tells us that you are a Canadian subscriber
Kryspy said:Iceberg,
Now why didn't I think of that![]()
dssj0hn said:Dishpro500, thanks for the great feedback.
I think it should also be mentioned that Canadian credit cards are also accepted by Charlie. I have read some posts about Canadian CC's being rejected but apparently that is not true.
Dishpro500 said:I've heard that as well regarding Canadian CC's but I can't confirm this. I know mine works. I'm not sure if rejecting Canadian CC's would be a deterrent to Canucks wanting to subscribe, because I can go out tomorrow and apply for a U.S. CC at any Canadian financial instution.
visiter555 said:My Canadian AmEx & Visa cards work with Charlie. I work in the US and have a US Corporate card as well.
It is VERY difficult these days to get a US Visa or AmEx unless you have a SS number. A major pain as I work for a multi-national and have a work visa, but not a SSN...and I don't need a SSN according to the US Govt.
You can get Canadian cards based in US dollars. They start with the first four digits indicating a Canadian card though!
Dishpro500 said:Thanks for your input visiter555. After reading your post I got to thinking about what you said regarding the first four digits being an indicator it is a Canadian CC card.
I must agree with your statement and didn't think about the first four digits giving away your location. I do know my Canadian financial institution issues CC in U.S. funds but like you said the first four still have the identifier.
what is that?
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