Absolute Nightmare Installation


Original poster
Dec 29, 2004
I have been doing a little research on E* and D*, and for the channels that I want E* was the cheaper choice (by about 30 dollars). I now know what that 30 bucks gets me, crappy customer service. I originally scheduled my install for friday 12-24. I never heard from an installer until after 6:00 pm and then it was only after I called the regional providers customer service. I then tried to schedule an appointment for Sunday 12-26. Sunday came and went with another no show. I called customer service back, and it appears that the original rep that I talked to did not turn in my request. I rescheduled AGAIN for wednesday 12-29. Finally an installer came out. I live in an apartment, and the installer looked at my balcony and said he could not install without a ground source. He told me to contact my maintenance man and have him expose a ground for him as he could not. He told me he had a service call to do and he would be back or call. This was at around 3:30 -3:45 pm, I called my maintenance guy, and he came out immediately, as of 5:30 no call and no show from the installer. He finally called me back at around 6:00 pm after I called customer service again. While he was here I told him that this was my last shot to get service for about a week, as I have to work all weekend. While on the phone I asked if he could come out in the morning (Thursday) and he said he had an install that HAD to be done in the morning. WTH!!!! I have been waiting and rescheduling for a week, I guess my install is unimportant. I am giving them one last chance, if someone is not out here before I go to work I will be cancelling E* and going with D*.

Sorry about the long post, I just had to vent.
I wish I could say your case is unusual. I had to have 3 different installers come out to finally do the job right. .
the satellite installation process can be a disaster for all three companies. it all depends on the individual doing the installation. i have had three pro installs and all three went great. they where with dish network.

and by the way, welcome to satellite guys.
read the numerous post in the support forums and take a look in the new dish network forum (right below the one you are in) . dish network is monitoring that one. you will see many complaints and dish and many lies issued by dish. i don't hate them, they just piss me off which leads me to not trusting them.
The more things change, the more they stay the same...

It was 3 no-shows by the local D* installers that brought me to E* several years ago. Welcome aboard, gatorgar - hope you'll have a happier experience to share with us next time :)

Glad to be here. I do hope it gets better, because I really want the 522 deal that E* is offering. I feel like if I can ever get it installed I will be happy with the programing. Maybe everything will come together.
Try calling a local retailer. I'll bet you won't have a problem getting installed thru them. What state are you in? If I could, I'd come by and install it.
In dish's defense.. (no jokes please)

its the installation companies fault.

What would really burn your noodle is if Direct used the same installation company. (Here they are the same installation co.)
I agree, I don't think it is Dish's fault. But, this is their regional service provider for my area, so in my opinion their work reflects back on Dish Network. I am not mad a E*, but I think there should be some accountability on their part for this horrible experience. I can't say the same thing for my regional service provider, as I am ready to physically beat the crap out of the next installer that comes out and does nothing. I am pretty sure that D* has a different company doing their installs in my area, as the one installer that has shown up made it a point to let everyone know that he works for Dish Network only.
gatorgar said:
I agree, I don't think it is Dish's fault. But, this is their regional service provider for my area, so in my opinion their work reflects back on Dish Network. I am not mad a E*, but I think there should be some accountability on their part for this horrible experience. I can't say the same thing for my regional service provider, as I am ready to physically beat the crap out of the next installer that comes out and does nothing. I am pretty sure that D* has a different company doing their installs in my area, as the one installer that has shown up made it a point to let everyone know that he works for Dish Network only.

I agree there should be some accountability... in a way there is. dish loses money on them repeatedly coming out. and if you cancel then bam theres all taht start up cost out the door.

Good luck on any account.
I'm a installer for dish and most of the blame lies with Dish's lack of training it's techs and not following up on repeat trouble calls. I spend a quarter of my time fixing other installers f*%k ups. With SuperDish now, it's even worse now because the dish weighs 3 times more and twice as big dishpan wise. When it comes right down to it, your at the mercy of whoever is send to do your job. If they don't look like they know what they are doing, they don't. If they talk like they know everything, they don't. As contracted work, that's another tale all together....
Dish always suck, one customer called me and asking for chinese channels out from 121, he has a dish 500 and wanted to upgrade, but he live at apartment and the second floor balcony is face east and his dish is hang on the deep low surface of roof where the water will run down to gutter, the dish is support by a L and I metal post with the I pole tied to the balcony metal fence, I told this customer in his case, I can not upgrade to SD as this is a very danger situation not only the dish is bigger but much heavy to lift from ground to roof, which is about 35 foot from ground, then this customer called dish and dish suggested a second dish, they mean the regular 20" 500 dish, I told this customer a second dish 500 can not generated enough signal for the international programs if the dish will work at this way. I am sure will not put up a 30 inch KU dish with the same set up as the dish 500, there is no other place can have the dish set on roof as the first dish, without any support to the 30 inch KU dish, you are asking trouble to a long run.
It is Dish Networks fault, especially in regard to quality control and underpaying the techncians so that they feel they have to rush the job in order to get to the next customer.
I sent and email to ceo@dishnetwork about all the problems I have had and it must have worked. When I got home from work this evening, I had three messages from managers of my regional service provider. All three were apologizing and left phone numbers that they could be reached at if I have any more problems. So we will see :)
gatorgar said:
I sent and email to ceo@dishnetwork about all the problems I have had and it must have worked. When I got home from work this evening, I had three messages from managers of my regional service provider. All three were apologizing and left phone numbers that they could be reached at if I have any more problems. So we will see :)

glad it worked for you. to far many people get no response. in a way i can't blame dish. they most likely get a ton of junk each day for unnessary stuff/ common complaints. i think the email would be more effective if it was used only when needed. far to many people email them for what regular CSRs could take care of.
sksatellite said:
Dish always suck, one customer called me and asking for chinese channels out from 121, he has a dish 500 and wanted to upgrade, but he live at apartment and the second floor balcony is face east and his dish is hang on the deep low surface of roof where the water will run down to gutter, the dish is support by a L and I metal post with the I pole tied to the balcony metal fence, I told this customer in his case, I can not upgrade to SD as this is a very danger situation not only the dish is bigger but much heavy to lift from ground to roof, which is about 35 foot from ground, then this customer called dish and dish suggested a second dish, they mean the regular 20" 500 dish, I told this customer a second dish 500 can not generated enough signal for the international programs if the dish will work at this way. I am sure will not put up a 30 inch KU dish with the same set up as the dish 500, there is no other place can have the dish set on roof as the first dish, without any support to the 30 inch KU dish, you are asking trouble to a long run.

Does anyone else see how funny this post is?

The guy is saying how stupid other dish network installers are, and how stupid Dishnetwork csr's are; YET HE DOESN'T KNOW CORRECT ENGLISH!

You know what buddy? I'd bet an even 1000 bucks that you are one of those damn installers that show up at my house, who can't speak english, doesn't bring a big enough ladder, and leaves my house without grounding the dish......

I wish I knew. I could just tell by the look on the installer's face that it was not going to go well. Oh well, I will wait till Tuesday and see if it gets any better. Hell, it can't get any worse. :p
gatorgar said:
I wish I knew. I could just tell by the look on the installer's face that it was not going to go well. Oh well, I will wait till Tuesday and see if it gets any better. Hell, it can't get any worse. :p

that is why it is great to get past your first install. learning to do it yourself is hard the first time. but once you figure it out, it is a breeze from then on out.

Satellite techs-how much paid for installs?


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