A Warning!

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On vacation
Original poster
Nov 5, 2003
We have a member here who shall remain nameless but he has been harrassing one of the modorators here using two IP addresses and different identites. This all seems to have happened because he never won an Invacom LNBF and he has been denied access to the PRIVATE 'WUT' area, we really wonder why a member would join up as a pub member TWICE!

This kind nonsence will not be tolerated, the three main mods here work as a team and if you are messing one of them about you are messing all of them about and we will NOT stand for that, no matter what it takes. Last Warning.
Very well put Pete!

I’d like to think of the FTA area as a big extended family. But, like most families there is always a couple bad apples (in my family, the bad apples seem to outnumber the good ones) :D Hopefully we can get everything worked out.

Let’s just make it fun here. The mods are here to help, not to babysit. If there are any issues, you can PM one of us and we will be happy to help

(I still don’t get why people would want to follow others around….maybe its in the same boat as why people want to steal Dish Network or ExpressVu)
As much as it pains us to ban people sometimes it's justified.

This is a good place to be, 99% of people are more than willing to help out without the usual flaming which seems to be the norm on most other forums these days.

We don't get paid for this just as others who help don't get paid for it, we don't expect anyone else to put up with personal attacks just as we won't put up with them.

Going back to what Ice said, the good apples more than outweigh the bad and we're not about to let one or two ruin the whole barrel, especially when we have such a great crop.

Anyhow, enough talk of apples - it's making me hungry.
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