Once you save up and buy an expensive home to raise your family just to have a neighbor move in that refuses to keep his front lawn kept, or treats in like a automotive storage facility or paints his house pink you will understand. You will understand even more when you decide to sell your home and it has lost 10's of thousands of dollars in value that come out of YOUR pocket because these types of unruly neighbors may NOT be violating in city LAW on the books, but they have no common sense and do not respect the other around them. Do I say HOAs are perfect? NO, but no recourse is far worse. Do I think some HOAs try to push the boundaries? Yes, but them you calmly and rationally work to resolve those as they come up, not throw out the entire thing. Think about having no laws in your city because you didn't like just a few. The old "baby with the bath water" deal. Why does everyone always want all or nothing?