A thread to rant about "HD-Lite"

Sean Mota said:
Whether Scott is here or not this is just not right. Just because is Team Summit time and Dish Network Moderators do not want to see negative information about Dish Network HD Lite. C'mmon you need to be more mature than this and take the heat. When I was the Voom moderator, I did not moved threads because they were negative or try to censore anyone unless the person became obnoxious. As far as I see the thread did not do that to warrant a move to a dead forum.

I'll probably get banned for saying it, but it is what it is.

Some would rather have equipment showing up at their doorstep first and trips to the Summit instead of fighting the HD-LITE battle - and publicly saying on this site that it is what it is so why bring it up.

I'd rather have staff members fighting for change instead of accepting what is in exchange for new equipment and trips to Team Summit - especially if the status quo is wrong.

If I am banned, then we see how free speech works. Be forewarned.
DWS44 said:
I dont buy it for one simple reason...the crap should never have left engineering (MPEG4, 622s, 211s...anything remotely associated with MPEG4) until it was know to be working properly, and we should all have been watching MPEG2 with 942s UNTIL it was ready for real use to the subscriber base.

Instead they got greedy, forced the 211/622 for new HD channels in quasi-MPEG4, while we wait for them to make any of it work right.

I'm all for new channels, but the whole state of HD is ridiculious right now. :rolleyes:
DWS44, I couldn't agree with you more!!! Since we have got the Seattle/Tacoma HD LIL...it is unlikely that you can view a TV channel for an hour without something going wrong such as pixelation, break-up, sound problems or the black screen, although I don't have near as much black screen as when we first received the Seattle/Tacoma HD LIL programming which started a few weeks ago. As far as the Voom 15 HD channels on the 129 satellite here in the Seattle area...ah forget it. I am in total disgust of this so called HD reception from the Dish Network!!!
OK, so from reading this thread I see that all the "VOOM channels" are currently being broadcasted in HD Lite. Now, can somebody please tell me exactly WHICH channels are the "VOOM channels?" How many VOOM channels are there and what is their channel number, i.e. 9420, 9421, etc... I'm going to be quite honest and say that I receive NBC both from Dish and from OTA. According to many here, NBC HD is also currently being broadcasted in HD Lite. Now, I don't know if Dish devotes more bandwidth to my NYC locals than others, but I truly cannot tell the different between my OTA NBC and Dish NBC on my brand new Samsung 1080p TV. To each his own I guess...
IceMan5043 said:
OK, so from reading this thread I see that all the "VOOM channels" are currently being broadcasted in HD Lite. Now, can somebody please tell me exactly WHICH channels are the "VOOM channels?" How many VOOM channels are there and what is their channel number, i.e. 9420, 9421, etc... I'm going to be quite honest and say that I receive NBC both from Dish and from OTA. According to many here, NBC HD is also currently being broadcasted in HD Lite. Now, I don't know if Dish devotes more bandwidth to my NYC locals than others, but I truly cannot tell the different between my OTA NBC and Dish NBC on my brand new Samsung 1080p TV. To each his own I guess...

go to www.voom.com
I think there is some false information going around about the Team Summit and Scott. First I don't think that you will be banned for what you said about Scott. I think he will let it ride for what its worth, Second I don't remember Scot ever saying that E* has sent him anything for free, and third I think the supporting members of this site are paying his way. He was just allowed to attend by E8 since he needed credentials. On the HD-Lite side I can't tell the difference either between full res or downrez on E* But my Sammy native display is 720p. I can tell a difference between E* and OTA. OTA blows E* away with clarity.
No one will ban anyone for speaking their mind...this isn't one of the other sites. Just remember to be somewhat cordial and respectful of your fellow members. ;)

Also, Scott foots the bills for a great deal of his SatGuys travels. The sponsors pay a large portion of the bills to keep SatGuys running, Scott pays the rest, and members chip in a few bucks here and there. If you enjoy reading these largely unbiased, open forums, then please feel compelled to donate a few bucks and become a Pub Member. Heck, even if you have an agenda...I'm sure you'll encourage healthy debate with individuals having an opposing point of view.:up

BTW: HD-Lite, VOOM-Lite, and Starz-Lite bite the big one!!!:D
IceMan5043 said:
... I'm going to be quite honest and say that I receive NBC both from Dish and from OTA. According to many here, NBC HD is also currently being broadcasted in HD Lite. Now, I don't know if Dish devotes more bandwidth to my NYC locals than others, but I truly cannot tell the different between my OTA NBC and Dish NBC on my brand new Samsung 1080p TV. To each his own I guess...

I am also in NYC Market and get NBC OTA. There is no difference between OTA and Dish on NBC HD. Not that this is any good but let me explain. NBC HD OTA in NYC multicasts and therefore the HD signal is already HD Lite. So, in fact, you are watching HD lite on both Dish and OTA and therefore the difference in minimal.
Scott in no way is getting sponsored by Dish Network or any other party (except pub members) as far as I know. Let's not kill Scott as he needs to be diplomatic as representative/owner of the site and nobody will argue with that.

Some of us do not like what he has reported so far about the HD LITE problem. We just do not because we all want the best HD product and we are not getting it. Here again Scott has no fault in reporting what he is hearing from Dish Network. He may sometimes put his own opinion but that is his own opinion like anyone of us has his/her own opinion on the matter. I personally do not think Scott has the power to change Dish Network policy regarding HD LITE. I believe that we, the customers, have more power to express our dissastifaction with Dish Network HD LITE. As many have mentioned here it does not make sense what Dish Network is doing. They want to be the HD Leader but are still in bed with HD Lite.

As far as their blaming VOOM for not sending full resolution. That is the oldest trick in the books -- blame someone else for your troubles, pass the bucket.

I totally blame Dish Network for the HD LITE problem if they were concerned about the HD LITE problem, they will make a statement about what they will do to resolve. They do not have enough "guts" to do that and take responsibility for what they are doing. Instead they hide behind the blaming game.

We are too old for this game and I personally blame them for what they are doing. It is a disgrace that we cannot watch all this good HD material at its best but have to settle for inferior quality due to Dish Network HD LITE.

As far as this thread is concerned, we all have the right to make an opinion (as long as we are diplomatic about it). If the thread had died yesterday because of little interest, I would have not made the remarks I made but to do it any other way, is not right.
For those of you who are tired.. Stop bitching and be proactive about it... Send letters, Give me ideas for your site (stophdlite.com) Tell all your friends about HD lite, educate the average consumer on hd lite... (I know there is more im missing )
Although I should mention for those HD lite folks out there that there was a comment durreing the presentation on how Dish wants to offer true HD and not HD that looks like SD which a lot of cable folks are mentioning.

I think that was meant as a joke, Scott? Was it? or could you elaborate?
Sean Mota said:
I am also in NYC Market and get NBC OTA. There is no difference between OTA and Dish on NBC HD. Not that this is any good but let me explain. NBC HD OTA in NYC multicasts and therefore the HD signal is already HD Lite. So, in fact, you are watching HD lite on both Dish and OTA and therefore the difference in minimal.

Sean, I thought that may be the reason, because of the Weather Radar and other multicast channel. However, CBS is only broadcasting one channel (the HD one) over its digital spectrum in NYC and Dish currently broadcasts CBS in HD-Lite; do you see any difference between OTA CBS and Dish CBS? If HD-Lite truly makes a "substantial" difference then there should also be a "substantial" difference between these two channels.
Tom Bombadil said:
I actually feel sorry for people who have HD and are D* subs. Excepting those who are NFL fanatics.

They need to switch to E* like I just did and tell D* and E* why they did. After many years with D* I finally decided enough was enough. I'm not an NFL fanatic though and feel no loss there.
Thanks Sean!!!! I was about to drop my Cable, I was looking for better HD, BUT!!! I do not want to pay big bucks for HD LITE!!! F them A Holes ( Sorry Guys I had to say it)
Specialist Goaliebob99 Thanks also for your input, for the HD lite page, I am all over that.. I want my Old voOM back I miss it bad!!!! You hear that Charlie!! I had just finished reading take this job and ship it... I am wondering if they save $$$$ for broadcasting in HDlite????

Nfl Hd

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