A Newbie with a 10' Dish

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Welcome to the fold!

I would third or fourth the recommendation of going C band only for now and adding a little dish for Ku later. I spend about 90% of my time on C band, but since SES 3 went online, I've been watching more Cozi and NBC over there on Ku. I would also recommend the Titanium LNB, I use it with an 8 footer and get most everything.

Take your time, pay attention to detail and above all ENJOY.
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Welcome to the fold!

I would third or fourth the recommendation of going C band only for now and adding a little dish for Ku later. I spend about 90% of my time on C band, but since SES 3 went online, I've been watching more Cozi and NBC over there on Ku. I would also recommend the Titanium LNB, I use it with an 8 footer and get most everything.

Take your time, pay attention to detail and above all ENJOY.
Thank you! And I will certainly enjoy it an will be going with a Titanium LNBF as my choice!
Another welcome to Satguys. Also another plug for the Titanium C1-PLL LNBF. Mine works very well.
Be sure you read and read again all the info on getting the correct size post for your new dish. Also purrrrrfect install and you will not have a load of probems. After all, it IS the base of everything.
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Another welcome to Satguys. Also another plug for the Titanium C1-PLL LNBF. Mine works very well.
Be sure you read and read again all the info on getting the correct size post for your new dish. Also purrrrrfect install and you will not have a load of probems. After all, it IS the base of everything.
Thank you! How would I know what size post to get for the dish?
Measure the ID of the mount.
The C1W-PLL "lite" model is a Wideband frequency (3.4-4.2GHz) model without WiMAX, wide area WiFi, 4G LTE filtering. It is built with a light weight standard housing and includes regular off-the-shelf hardware. The performance may not to be as good as the C1-PLL as it is not presorted to the higher specifications.
I'm a little late here but Welcome to satguys.

If it was my money I would get the C1-PLL pay the extra bucks for the regular model you will be happy.
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I'll most certainly purchase one then. Also, a few things:

1.) How would you remove a pole from the ground?
2.) How do you set Elevation & Azimuth?

EDIT: My father is helping me with this dish. He wants to know if he could use wood to mount the dish.
The easy way to remove a pole, is wrap a chain around it, and POP it out of the ground with a lifting it from a front-end loader on a tractor. The hard way is to dig it up by hand, and pull it out and over.
He wants to know if he could use wood to mount the dish.
No unless it is a very temporary mount, never you wood. Wood moves and twists, with temperature and humidity changes. Plus it would not be strong enough, unless it is an awful lot of big pieces of wood and braces and then you would be better off to go back to a metal pole. Check scrap yards and welding shops.
The easy way to remove a pole, is wrap a chain around it, and POP it out of the ground with a lifting it from a front-end loader on a tractor. The hard way is to dig it up by hand, and pull it out and over.
He also wants to know if he could saw the pole at the base of the concrete, meaning the part that's above the concrete.
If it is long enough to re-use after that sure.
I would drill a couple of holes 90 deg to one another and run long bolts through it though.
This will prevent it from turning in the ground.
If it is long enough to re-use after that sure.
I would drill a couple of holes 90 deg to one another and run long bolts through it though.
This will prevent it from turning in the ground.
Good to know. One more thing (sorry), he wants to know how many bags of concrete it would take for a pole that holds a 10' dish?
If you are going to reuse it, I wouldn't cut it off at the base. Unless after cutting it was still going to be around 8ft long or more, so you'd have enough left for reuse.

Around here our soil is sandy loam. I pull poles to move them, cement and all. New hole big enough to take the whole thing, including cement. Put some gravel at the bottom (to help keep ground water from lifting it later), put pole with old cement in, level it, stake it level, soak it with water until hole fills itself back in, tamp it tightly, and then let it dry out. Once in a while I add some additional bagged cement. I've never had an issue replanting old poles in this way, and it saves time and money.
Good to know. One more thing (sorry), he wants to know how many bags of concrete it would take for a pole that holds a 10' dish?

Depends on your prevailing winds. 800 lbs worth is the MINIMUM. Higher winds= more weight/more cement... A 10ft dish and 500lbs of wind load is fairly common. You don't want your pole leaning over.

Don't forget as Mike mentioned above, drill through the pole up at least a foot above the bottom of the hole, and put some "all-thread" through there sticking out. That keeps it from spinning the pole in the ground due to wind pushing one side of the dish...
Welcome to the SatelliteGuy's family!
Thank you! And one more thing about a pole. My father wants to know if PVC pipe could work? Thick PVC. He would bury it in the ground about 6 ft. Then he would pour concrete in the middle of the pipe to stabilize it. I don't know if that will work, though.
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