Damn....hard to believe its been a year already.
A lot has happened since April. She goes to church once in a while. Some days she is just too tired to go...usually because Friday is cleaning and laundry day and even though she isnt suppose to do anything she still tries to. Got to the point that Gramps cant even do his morning walk until the afternoon (when she naps) because he'd come back and Gramma would have the laundry sorted and one load going already (she is only suppose to set the washer settings and turn it on)
If she doesnt go then I usually go sit there with her. She is stubborn and said she's fine being there alone but we do it for Gramps
This summer she started asking questions about the whole thing which was hard sometimes because she would play 20 questions about it. She said she doesnt remember her birthday (which was a week earlier) so as she said "I must have been getting sick then". But she now knows pretty much everything from the time she went to the hospital until the time she got out from asking us questions.
She used that walker for about a month after she got out then said the hell with it. It sits in the den with some stuff on it
The only thing she does is sometimes when they go to the grocery store she'll use one of those motorized carts (very rarely....she'll just not go anymore and send Gramps to the store)
We got them a cell phone (against both of their requests) just incase....and it seems to get more use when they're at home than when they're out and about. They have a controlled entrance and Gramma seems to always be on the phone so when you call to be let in the line is busy. We just call the cell then.
This summer (I think it was June or July) she had to go back to HCMC to have some tests done and to see her "update"/progress. The doctors there were just amazed. The head neurosurgeon that had worked on her said he has seen folks who werent this good 5 years after having an aneurysm, much less 8 months after the 1st one and 5 after the 2nd (they had to replace the 1st one after it got infected) so thats always good to hear
The weird thing is she is done doing Christmas. We always went to Gramma's on Christmas Day. Well when they moved into the apartment they used the community room for Christmas. Last year we didnt have it and this year we were to have it on Christmas. Gramma said she couldnt have everyone there (we have a pretty big family) because that makes her nervous and ill so she wasn't having it. So for the 1st time ever I don't have anywhere to go for Christmas...its gonna be weird....
But on the positive this year she remembered her birthday