A Big Thank You!!!!

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT

I just want to take this moment to thank all of our Pub Members who make SatelliteGuys Possible. If it were not for the financial support of these supporters SatelliteGuys would not be here!.

We had 25 new pub members join us in the month of December, most of them helping us raise $750 twards the Make a Wish foundation!!

So as we are are about to enter 2005, I would like to thank everyone who has supported SatelliteGuys in 2004!

Below is a list of all the folks who have supported SatelliteGuys financially since we opened our doors last September. To them I say THANK YOU

Our Pub Members
928gt ahegedus AkShark al AndyMon angiodan ardbell aristotlewilde aspenandme astrossuperfan B.Goose bankoneman banoonish bcushman bcw beast37799 BenDee bleodler bmwaaron bnl107 boatman Bobby BobMurdoch bscoles c150flyboy CablerMN carload Cascade caseyatbt cbearnm cbw cdru cfunk chaddux Charrasqueado Chevyman Chris Blount chunchma cmarcum cnacht cooper cpdretired csschrot customhank Cyclone dalec21 DanF davemanfl DaveO DaveP davhol David_Levin dbdsac derdude dextermi dfergie diggerg56 DishSatUser dkieffer Don Landis douchida DPJohn DRGingras DTV TiVo Dealer duggan dukiebluedoc DVDDAD ejcsfla ERNIE PAUL FaxMan flash717 FlyingGimp fr8flyr gary s geneb11 Geoff Goodfellow gfr437 ghamer Gigawatt gowfo gpflepsen Grandpa J Gregg Loewen GweeDo767 hankhunt HDTV Rookie heirway hzhao James JBKing jdanielurx JEF1185 jeff wahly jerryez jginsburg John Corn John Rocha John Walsh JohnR JonUrban JP Threw jssat jstrait juan juanl0b0 justalurker J_slimz K R Kimmel K4LK Keithk kemguy Kevin S kevindef Kevin_Texas korsjs Tampa, FL kresston kryten98371 KyDave lapplegate Larry LarryH ldrumond leefarber leomarion les017 lonewolfe luckycat M Law maddog Mainstreet markdl Mark_AR mhking MIGuy mike123abc mikew milhouse minorthr Mr. Biggles mrschwarz MrsNeutron MThomas2424 mwgiii nater navy8ball nicholassjenkins NightRyder Oregon njjeepguy nuts4scuba Oceangrace24 omard. Oyving passing_ships Pete In Plano pman72 PNotar pweezil rad rangersjay99 Ransack ReceptionGuru red hazard RedHat39 Rick214 rickd2000 RicS Roger SAEMike sampatterson SatelliteGirl sblasl sclaws Scooters ShadowEKU SimpleSimon SkyOnion slacker9876 slanich Sonnie Parker Sparkman sprintcarcrazy sprog68 squicken Stacy A Stargazer StevenD StingyScotsman stone phillips420 stratguy styxfix swinslow Tampa8 tbenning telekol TerryK TheaterWizard thebigjp thescrub thespiderman ThierryFL thiggin2 tibbyjr TowJumper trido tulaman TuxCoder TYORK uponthemountain vandalous vinnyv07 voom evangelist waja WeeJavaDude whtevr77 wileadams Willhe xsailor zmwp01
**sniff** I donated twice and am not on there :(

I guess I'll take the staff privlages over getting my name above
hehe, yeah for some reason Staff is omitted from the list (which is taken from the forum leaders page)

All support is truely appreciated.
I love being a part of Satelliteguys! I actually enjoy helping out here more than I do at my paid job! :D
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