Fat Air, not sure I understand that.If you mean a diseqc motor...I don't have one.I have an actuator.I can check the coax between the VBox and lnb ... but it is zipped tied really good and I doubt it has moved.I seems relevant (to me) to note that the dish was not moving at the time.Grit-tv is one of my strongest signals and it went black while viewing.It was as if 97W either went dark or the receiver could no longer recognize it.
After reading old posts here and elsewhere,I thought that glitches are to be expected with FTA equipment and maybe someone would say" 'Hey,thas nuttin' dude,just reboot it and don't worry". I almost had a coronary when I thought my system was dead.
Now on to other matters:
I have other reasons to suspect receiver problems.I'm not going into details before completing the installation.No point in asking the whole group to go on a wild goose chase before all the grounding is complete and maybe the actuator is replaced.Also a UPS to rule out 'dirty' electricity as a potential cause.Maybe not until after I install a larger dish without a mount problem.It could be something else
causing the receiver to act up.I have purposely avoided blaming the receiver to date due to all the unknown 'variables'.I'm impressed with the Micro HD except for what's noted below.
Here's as brief a description as possible for the curious minded:
1) What appears to be memory errors.Receiver reaches a state where scanned transponders are no longer written to memory... or unusual measures needed to proceed. Multiple tries,reboots,and 2 resets before I got thru the Sats . Imagine working up the Sat list until 101W,for instance.Tune it east and west until it's dead on and then do a single Sat scan...Great...12 channels found! Go to the channel list to check out the cool finds...and there ain't a dang one there! It's not complicated to do a Sat scan on this box.If transponders are found....No operator action required.Just click the 'search end' button and the channels should be listed automatically.But occasionally they DO NOT.This quirk continues to date.
2) Random readings on the Satellite meter: I can be viewing a STRONG channel with no problems.Pull the Sat Meter up over the screen...and the reading may be Sig level 45, quality Zero. Or .Sig level 90%, quality Zero. Or it may be correct.
A comparable experience in Sat setup > Motor/Switch Setting and in TP List.Sometimes the Meter absolutely does not work unless I go in and out 2 or 3 times.(Maybe some kind of random static feedback or something.... but odd that opening and closing the window 'fixes' it)
All in all,many hours wasted and frustrated.(If it was a PC,I'd be running ram tests.Checking for HD failure.Replacing the CMOS battery,etc) I don't give up easy...but I have to walk away before getting mad enough to break out the big hammer.
I've been posting too much of my random thoughts and nonsense anyway.
PS: I tried to be brief...but that's another 'glitch' that I have.