9760 TALK America's Talk Satellite Network


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Oct 22, 2004
Copied from www.dbstalk.com

Exclusive to the Sky Angel satellite system, America’s Talk Satellite Network was developed by Sky Angel in partnership with Salem Communications, which is the parent company of two other Sky Angel radio channels, Solid Gospel Radio and Today's Christian Music. Enjoy an exciting lineup of many of America’s most popular conservative and Christian talk radio personalities on one channel, including Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Al Mohler, Richard Land, Cal Thomas, Janet Parshall, Michael Medved, Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt, and many others.

Looks like this channel replaced AFR on 9760. Looks like a good lineup, but limited to only a handful of radio show hosts. Several 3-hour blocks of talk radio. I hear Sky Angel commercials and Sky Angel station breaks on this channel, I guess they have control of the channel and use Salem for programming it.
Skyangel aired channels are required to advertise skyangel anyways. I suspect that Skyangel also covers some of the commericals that salem runs on their talk show feeds as they would not totally fit with skyangel's vision. Looking at the Salem Satelite feeds, looks like most of if not all the stuff aired (didnt look that close) on the new Skyangel talk channel is taped delayed.
Interesting to see AFR gone. Wonder why? (beyond the fact that skyangel is limited in transponder space)
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Here is what the channel's schedule looks like:

Every Day with the noted weekend exceptions below

12-1am - Al Mohler
1-2 am - American Family Coaches
2-6 am - Mike Gallagher
6-9 am - Bill Bennett
9am-12 noon - Mike Gallagher
12 noon- 2pm - Dennis Prager
3pm-6pm - Michael Medved (I like this show--locally it's on a radio station with an erp of a light bulb so it will be nice to hear this clearly)
6pm-9pm - Hugh Hewitt
9pm-12 Mid - Janet Parshall


6am- Beyond the News
7am Janet Parshall
9am Healthy Living
11am Pain Free Radio

12 Mid Mike Gallagher
3am Michael Medved
6am Richard Land Live

This is a fairly decent line-up.

See ya
I agree, if you like Salem's Talk radio offerings its a good line up, wish they aired some of the stuff "live" though, their having to record it off the satellite anyways, may as well feed it live as much as possible.
I emailed Sky Angel to express my sadness over AFR no longer being carried. This is what I emailed:

"This is just a quick note to express my sadness of the termination of
the AFR network on Sky Angel. That was one of my favorites with shows
like "The AFA Report". If that wasn't one of the best christian radio
networks around, standing up for what Christians believe in, standing
in the face of secularism, I don't know what is. I pray that this
network returns someday. Thank You."

Sky Angel emailed back within the hour with this reply as to why they are no longer carried:

"Thanks for writing Sky Angel. For more information on AFR go to

The new channel we're now carrying is much of the same programming on
AFR because AFR carried that programming feed on its network as well;
any other AFR programming is carried on Sky Angel's other
networks--unfortuantely AFR was extremely repetitive to what Sky Angel
already carries.

Regarding "standing up for Christians," while AFR does tackle some
controversial topics, frankly AFR, and specifically Don Wildmon,
refused to promote or even talk about Sky Angel off and on throughout
the nine years we gave AFR free air time (AFR was suppose to promote
Sky Angel in exchange for the free air time contractually and was
chosen over other networks for that reason). I had a major ministry
leader tell me personally that at a meeting that Mr. Wildmon attended
with other Christian leaders several years ago, when Sky Angel came up
as an exciting television solution for Christians, Mr. Wildmon wouldn't
even state out loud that his network was on Sky Angel; the ministry
leader was shocked and disappointed when I told him AFR is carried on
our service and had been for seven years at that time.

That's basically why we are parting ways--the lack of promotion of Sky
Angel by AFR, which they committed to do contractually. We had a phone
conference with AFR a few months ago to try to find a solution and Mr.
Wildmon wouldn't even give us the courtesy of attending the phone
conference. The day after that AFR terminated their station carriage on
Sky Angel. While they made the decision, we were in agreement with it
because of the problems with them not adhering to the promotional

I think personally it is extremely sad that AFR and personally Don
Wildmon will not promote the nation's only Christian owned
multi-channel operator and the only satellite/cable service in the
nation doing any family programming, even though he's made his life
work over lobbying the nation for cleaner television. And just so we're
clear, it's not because of the programming content Sky Angel carried
when AFR was added nine years ago or even now-- in fact AFR's general
manager specially told me he does not have Sky Angel in his own home
but a secular television service. Many other Christian and family
groups have endorsed Sky Angel, including Focus on the Family's Family
Research Council and the very respected Parents Television Council; so
other groups do applaud what Sky Angel is doing and are proud to put
their name alongside our name.

While I know that promoting a solution will impact fundraising (a lot
of Christian ministries use the marketing tactic of "fighting" against
something to get people to send in funds), and I am very sensitive to
that, I personally believe that as Christian leaders when a solution
comes along we have a moral responsibility to let Christians know about
it, even if it will affect our pocketbooks. And since television is the
number one influence on our nation's culture, there is nothing more
important than supporting the only television service that is owned and
controlled by Christians and is providing family-friendly programming.

We are actually very excited about this new network, "America's Talk
Satellite Network"; our Christian subscribers tell us they want to be
informed and this network is going to help them know the issues that
are important to Christians. If you liked AFR you're going to love this

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kathleen Johnson
VP Programming
Sky Angel

I emailed her a thank you for the detailed response and she responded by saying,

"Normally I don't give such a detailed response but because you were so specific I thought it would be helpful to know. AFR executives told us they "can't get into Don Wildmon's head" (a direct quote) about why he won't promote Sky Angel, but there it is."

So, that is Sky Angel's answer as to why they no longer air AFR. BUT, I emailed AFR to get their side of the story. This is the quick note I sent to them:

"Dear AFR,

Yesterday I noticed that AFR is no longer carried on
Sky Angel. Today, I voiced displeasure over this to
Sky Angel because I love the "AFA Report" program and
other programs that are aired on AFR."

I also sent them the reply I got from Sky Angel. THIS is their response and their version of the story as to why you will not find them on Sky Angel anymore:


Thank you for your note. Sky Angel's response seems to me to be very
distorted. The contentious, angry, and vindictive tone may help you to
understand why we had so much trouble coming to an agreement. We ran
regular spots for Sky Angel and promoted them in other ways. I
frequently mentioned Sky Angel in our program Today's Issues as an
source of Christian programming.

Ms. Johnson's contention that AFR programming was duplicated elsewhere,
that we ran the new talk programming on our network indicates ignorance
her part about us. Our network programming is exclusive to us. We
about 4 hours a day of syndicated programs, Dr. Dobson, Adrian Rogers,
Michael Youssef, and others. Those individual programs may be carried
elsewhere, but Today's Issues and AFA report, as well as AFA News and
issues oriented specials are exclusively on AFR. We do not carry the
programming from other networks.

We never had a problem with Sky Angel or telling people about Sky
Our problem was with the contentious Ms. Johnson, and from the looks of
response to you, that problem continues.

Don Wildmon is not the ogre that she portrays.

We know the people who replaced us on Sky Angel. They are fine people
do provide excellent radio. They obviously operated differently than
we do,
but we have respect for them.


Marvin Sanders

There you have it!
Those at Sky Angel reads this forum and they sent me a response concerning my above post. It appears that Kathleen Johnson who is VP of programming forwarded my post above to AFA with an attached letter. She told me to feel free to post this as well. So I will comply:

> From: Kathy Johnson
> Sent:Monday, December 19, 2005 12:27 PM
> To:'msanders@afa.net'
> Cc:'Michael Burks'
> Subject:FW:
> Dear Marvin:
> The below was forwarded to me. While I do appreciate a great defense
> is to attack the other party personally to avoid addressing the
> issues at hand, as you know, Sky Angel's problems with AFR were
> regarding promotion and the lack of it, for nine years. I personally
> did not get involved in discussing AFR's issues until recently when
> others on the Sky Angel executive staff sadly could not get AFR to
> live by its promotional obligations and expressed serious frustration
> with AFR's response. We also stand by our assertions including Don
> Wildmon's personal lack of a basic acknowledgement of Sky Angel,
> which has been observed by several major ministry leaders personally.
> Regarding carrying other programming feeds, you should know that you
> personally were listed on Salem's talk web site as endorsing the
> programming feed on AFR. Additionally, regarding AFR's exclusive
> programming, while AFR does produce good short-form news and a few
> programs, as you know AFR, as a non-comm/educational licensee, sells
> a major amount of its programming to ministries, which are carried on
> Sky Angel's other channels. That is why we consider AFR extremely
> repetitive to what Sky Angel already carries.
> However, we do wish AFR the best and are excited about Sky Angel's
> new family-friendly programming. Have a Merry Christmas.
> Sincerely,
> Kathleen Johnson
> Vice President, Programming
> Sky Angel
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Has anyone else heard cross-talk on this channel? It's hard to describe, but it seems like there are times when I can hear a main audio, plus another audio of something else in the background.

Other than that - I am glad to see Sky Angel stand up and demand that its partners live by their contractual obligations. Hopefully, this will help Sky Angel grow its subscriber base and ensure the service continues to exist.
jegrant said:
Has anyone else heard cross-talk on this channel? It's hard to describe, but it seems like there are times when I can hear a main audio, plus another audio of something else in the background.
Other than that - I am glad to see Sky Angel stand up and demand that its partners live by their contractual obligations. Hopefully, this will help Sky Angel grow its subscriber base and ensure the service continues to exist.

I have heard two audio sources as well this past weekend, one was on the left channel and another on the right. I wonder if at times Salem sends two mono feeds instead of just one stereo feed. Sky Angel may have already corrected the problem at their IRD?

I'm not impressed with some "religious" broadcasters, both radio and television, they seem to think that Christianity revolves around them and think only about themselves. If a programmer or network is unwilling to work as a team with Sky Angel, they should be dropped, period.

Just a thought, a number of "Christian" broadcasters seem to have found a friend with Rupert Murdock's Directv. I wonder if when Christianity is "out of season" and persecution really begins, how long it will take for them to be dropped?

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Could the moderator kindly update the thread title to correct the channel number? All SkyAngel channels are in the 9700's -- and this particular one is actually 9760. A small detail... :p

Please and thank you,
If anyone is interested, AFA still has information about SKY ANGEL on their website. So it's obvious they didn't "not" promote the company. I have been in communication with Kathleen Johnson recently, and also found her tone to be "contentious, angry, and vindictive", as Marvin Sanders indicated, as well as prideful. In her communication to me, she criticized yet another well-known Christian, whom I will not name. It's her word against AFA's and knowing what I do, my loyalty lies with AFA. However, she will be in my prayers.

Converting from Dish to Skyangel?

skyangel with local channels

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