942 questions


New Member
Original poster
Nov 11, 2005
Atl., GA

I am currently researching my options of upgrading my 6000 receiver (w/8vsb, no 8psk) to a 942 and have a few outstanding questions I cannot find answers too.

1. Can the 942 record an OTA digital (HD) and the regular analog (SD) channels?

2. Is there a way to transfer recorded shows/movies to a DVD for archival purposes?
I didn't want to buy pocket dish, I have a DVD system in my SUV that it would be nice to be able to bring 'new' stuff for the kids.

3. Am I jumping the gun with the 942 and not waiting for the 962 (mpeg-4)? And is it possible to upgrade the 942 via software to accept mpeg-4?

As far as the mpeg-4 conversion it seems as though I\everyone is in a gray zone on this. Another option is that I could get the new 411 or 211 (are either of these HD) and get a standalone DVR w/writer and use it to create my travel disks. I would lose the HD recording and the Name Based recording features of the 942. Any information you can help me out with will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Spin
1. I think the analog OTA tuner is a future enhancement. Someone else may have better info.
2. Plug output into DVD recorder, record in real time.
3. Jumping the gun- matter of opinion. I'm waiting for the 962, which I now don't expect before spring. No real basis for that date, just disappointment over recent SEC filings they made and their comments re' MPEG-4 therein.
Software upgrade? No. Some folks are very heavy into wishful thinking and will say otherwise, or maybe were mislead by an installer or CSR. There simply isn't enough horsepower in those STBs to decode MPEG-4 in real time.

Using a stand alone recorder- sure, this will work. You could set both devices to play - record by time, or perhaps an IR blaster would work. Certainly not as convenient as an all in one solution. By the time you'll have an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray option to record HD, you'll probably have the 962 option.

Welcome to the forum.
1. Yes, you can record digital OTA content with a 942; No, you cannot record analog OTA content, but you can record you local content if you subscribe to Dish Locals and record the satellite broadcast version.
2. There is no way to get your content digitally transferred from the 942 without the pocketdish. You can record an analog version via the RCA or Coax output to a VCR or DVD recorder.
3. As for the 962, it really depends on what kind of MPEG-4 content will be available in the near future. I can tell you from personal experience that the current 942 software release absolutely SUX. The broke it in late September, and they seem incapable of correcting their mistakes.
Software version L2.82 was just released and it appears to have corrected a number of the problems introduced with L2.80/L2.81. Overall, the 942 has been an excellent receive in the 6 months I've had it. However, I would hesitate leasing or purchasing a 942 at this time without E* stating the 942 --> 962 upgrade plans.
srrobinson2 said:
1. Yes, you can record digital OTA content with a 942;

No, you cannot record analog OTA content

but you can record you local content if you subscribe to Dish Locals and record the satellite broadcast version.
I don't want to have to pay for something I get for free now! :D

2. There is no way to get your content digitally transferred from the 942 without the pocketdish. You can record an analog version via the RCA or Coax output to a VCR or DVD recorder.
I was hoping to be able to hook my laptop up with the USB and access it as a drive on computer to write to DVD (assuming the 942's format is compatible with Windows Media). :(

3. As for the 962, it really depends on what kind of MPEG-4 content will be available in the near future. I can tell you from personal experience that the current 942 software release absolutely SUX. The broke it in late September, and they seem incapable of correcting their mistakes.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement, hopefully the update helped out with that.

What I may end up doing is to keep using my 6000 and getting a good quality standalone DVR-writer for a few more months until this mpeg-4 gets worked out a little clearer. Then take a look at what the 962 might offer. Always seems to be some kind of waiting game!

Now, I just need to find a good standalone DVR-writer!

Thanks, Spin
The 942 engineers are working on the software and made a release last week that fixed many of the problems introduced in September. Unfortunately there are still some bugs in the system and they expect to release another software version before the end of the year to address those.
I am also thinking arounf the 1st of the year about either the 811 or 942. Will the mPEG-4 be backward compatable to MPEG-2 in these 2 receivers or will I have invested in a "boat anchor"?

Rich Dunklee
NR2D said:
I am also thinking arounf the 1st of the year about either the 811 or 942. Will the mPEG-4 be backward compatable to MPEG-2 in these 2 receivers or will I have invested in a "boat anchor"?

Rich Dunklee
Every channel that you get now, you'll continue to get for the forseeable future. New HD channels may only be sent via MPEG-4, and you won't be able to get those with the 811 or the 942.
the reason why you wont beable to hook it up via usb directly to your notebook.. is because of copy right protections..... You can hook it up via a pocket dish and view it that way.. at this moment I dont know if you can copy from the pocket dish to the hd of a computer.. scott would be the one to ask about that :) Yes MPg 4 is backward compatable with mp2 (unlike other places have reported the current mpg 2 is not compatable with mpg4) Stay tuned as more info possabley could be brought forth tonight as far as mp4.. (tech chat) and from the reports we have been hearing is that mpg4 recivers will be avabile by the end of the month/ next month time frame...

Welcome To the sight NR2D, and spinHD :) dont be afraid to post if you have anymore questions.. And keep tuned as dish has some good stuff coming down the line and this is definatly an exiting time. :)

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