942 installation question 2nd tuner

kavula, here's some help with your "not sure" entries:

1.A.i) DPP44. Alternate solution is DP34 cascaded through 2 DP21s.
1.B.i.a) DP34 for up to 4 single tuners or 2 singles and a dual tuner. DPP44 for up to 4 dual tuners, or use the trunking connections to add another DP34.
1.B.ii.a) DP34.
2.A.i.a) Same as 1.B.i.a.
2.B.i.a) Same as 1.B.i.a.
2.B.ii.a) or DP Twin for 2 single tuners or one dual tuner.

And that's not even getting into legacy solutions.
I love the quote someone made somewhere in this topic about ask your prof installer. You should see some of the jokers that have come out to me house to install my equipment. You guys are the experts not those nimrods. Even though there are some disagreements here and there I think I got my answer.

1.) I dont really want VOOM lineup for now. I will pause my dish service while my new house is getting built. At my new house I will get the superdish for my locals and epg guide which the wife is telling me we have to have. Hopefully they still have the deal for the one year committment.

2.) I will run 4 coaxs to each TV using dual rg6 coax cables. This will give me I think enough in's and out's for any tuner available.

3.) Using a superdish I think i will only need the 34 switch. This will give me 4 outputs and can feed two 942's without any fancy seperators. I can use the 942's on my HDTV's and feed my two sd tv's with the tv2 outs.

4.) If i can only get 1 942 from dish then I think with the 34 switch I can still feed the 942 and my sd tv in our bedroom with the tv2 out. Keep my 811 on my HDTV in my upstairs living room. (cant record but oh well), and keep my 501 for my other sd tv in the office downstairs. I will not use my 301 anymore. This would be a total of 4 outputs and be okay for 34 switch i believe.

4 coaxs behind the tv sounds about right doesn't it? I will also try to run 2 conduits from the attic to a central location in the basement. I will try to be smarter and run all the rooms to the same location and mount a nice board for the the switched and whatnot.

Is this sounding right to you all? Thanks for all the help


A Packer fan trapped in a wheatfield in Wichita KS.
Yeah, everything sounds pretty good. You will be able to get two 942's, but they're $700 retail each from E*. So shop around, and don't be afraid to ask for a lease from ceo@dishnetwork.com. The worst they can do is say no. Also, with that many coaxs running to the TVs, you do not have to worry at all about this DishProPlus stuff, anyway. It's kind of a waste of money, unless you just can't run coax through your house left and right. With four coaxs, that neatly takes care of two sat feeds, one OTA feed, and one TV2 output. If you wanted, you could replace the last one with RCA audio/video. There are some people on the board saying the 942 TV2 output on coax isn't as good as some other E* receivers. All your plans sound great! Thanks for your patience!
Well 2 942's would be dreaming but one might be possible if you get the right person.

I did read somewhere that rca's seemed to give better pq. How far can the signal travel in rca conn's? It seems like you can never really ever future proof every possible conn out there. Next thing you know you will need a HDMI conn because tv2 out will support HDTV. Its great that dish has developed a way to feed a second tv and get rid a fee but i wish sometimes they would dumb it down to a single sat and OTA hd/dvr cheap. I would rather have 3 of those than an multiple, tuner, switch, coax birds nest in my house.
Thank you all for the answers. Like i said every was pretty much on the same page and more helpful than the csr's you talk to.


Why a second antenna?

Just got a new error message on my 522

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