If there is anyone who has a 942 installed in dual mode, I would really appreciate you help. I have a few questions that I can't seem to find answers for.
BFG said:What kind of TV do you have on your TV2. Is it another 16x9 HDTV?
The format modes only work on TV1 output, there is no formating done on the TV2 output.
The guide data for digital locals only shows up on the primary channels and also only for channels that dish carries the SD counterpart for. So any subchannels or channels that dish doesn't carry has no guide data.
Remember to try to aim your remote in the direction of where the reciever is and not at the TV. If it's working to slow for you you can add some coaxil to the uhf antenna on the 942 and place the antenna higher up.
BFG said:Just so I didn't get confused. Dual mode is where you have independent programming for tv1 and tv2 right?
Alto101 said:Using the remote 2 upstairs it works about 95% of the time. Any suggestions for improving the performance of the remote?