921's on E-bay allready

why did you buy it?

Why would you buy something that has no warranty. The warranty coverage only covers the original buyer and not you. :p
Re: why did you buy it?

c150flyboy said:
Why would you buy something that has no warranty. The warranty coverage only covers the original buyer and not you. :p

It has not be activated and he is an authorized Dish retailer (not sure why he didn't state that in the listing. It will be covered just like anyone else that purchases the receiver from a retailer.

Any Dish Network receiver will have a warranty that starts on the day that it is activated no matter who you bought it off of. If it was already activated before then the warranty will run out one year from the day it was initially activated.
Re: Another Listing on eBay!

b5lurker said:
This one is just for a preorder though.

That listing won't last long. It is in violation of ebay's listing policy. To qualify as a pre-sale item you have to guarantee shipment within 30 days of the end of the auction.

There is NO way that this seller can guarantee this.

If that was the case, I would have a bunch of them listed.
A retailer could check with their distributor of how many 921's are available and then put up a listing for like one or two days. The retailer could then get it within a day or two. This brings low risk to the retailer in which would usually have to order the expensive receiever before having hopes of getting it sold but in this case could receive payment for it before ordering it himself.
Stargazer said:
A retailer could check with their distributor of how many 921's are available and then put up a listing for like one or two days. The retailer could then get it within a day or two.
That's the concept - but can you guarantee that the receiver will arrive? How many dealer requests for these receivers are being denied?

BTW: Auction over - sold for $999. :shock:

Beware eBay - there's a seller with a rating of three (3) that is trying to sell SuperDish105's who is claiming HD on 105, Internationals on 121, and either 105 or 121 from the install (which is obviously wrong as all the parts listed are 105). That's what you get when they copy text they don't understand.

I've bought a lot from eBay --- the DBS equipment has been the most annoying, including an ad for a "DishPRO" LNB that was really legacy - and the seller argued the difference (they work the same ... HA!).

I've been an e'buyer for over 5 years.

If you see pre-sale items that do not meet the criteria(30 day or less delivery is a must plus it must state 30 day or less delivery in the auction wording) then report it here:

http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/pre-sale.html then click on report.



follow the checkboxes down to report prohibited item or listing policy violation.

I am not againt anyone selling on ebay. But if you are a seller, you should know the rules and if you are a buyer, you should be aware of fraudulent listings BEFORE you send money & get burned.
2 More Up!

Looks like the dealer that I bought mine from has another one listed, but now he has up'd the Buy It Now Price to $1,499!


Another one has been posted for preorder from the same seller again too!

Maybe if Dish would monitor eBay they could see the demand for the 921's is definitely there and would get more out the door!

Mark_AR said:
gpflepsen said:
1200 and the reserve is not yet met.

That's a greedy SOB.

Aww c'mon, I only bid you up to $800.00

I just had to bid it up to ~850. Had I known the guy had the reserve up around $1200, I'd bid up to $1199. :) Just having fun on Ebay.
jssat said:
gpflepsen said:
1200 and the reserve is not yet met.

That's a greedy SOB.

LOL, I bet $.05 he gets what he wants........

Sold!!!! $1499, any one have a nickle? :dance:

Well if the 6000 ebay sales could be an indicator, the 921's should be going for upwards of 2 g's.

Lunacy, sheer lunacy. :)
Darn, if they are selling for that much perhaps I should order some and sell them on ebay. The people selling them probably have a good rating though and I just started buying on ebay. My first purchase was the new $1,600 Dell laptop I am using right now and I got it in only a day or two. I saved $200 and didnt have to wait for Dell to make one.

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