boy921, $300? Give the box some credit. It is a dual tuner, 180+ hour SD box. That in itself is worth a good $500 plus. Yes, not all of the OTA stuff has been worked out, but the cheapest OTA receiver is $299, and mine in the DFW area functions about as well as a regular OTA receiver (I tried 3 of them before my 921 was available for purchase)... except the 921 can trick-play on all channels (same my local NBC channel). In the end, the cost is reasonable when you look at it that way.
Its just like the bundle service offerings in telecom... when someone like Verizon comes out and says 'have everything for $100 a month' (or whatever the price is), people think Yikes! but if you look at the breakdown of $40 for the first line, $30 for dsl, $30 for unlimited LD and $30 for 300 cellphone minutes, you realize that you are starting to save money. (Note prices are nothing accurate and are just for a discussion point)