I just got a new 921 in the mail to replace my old unit which the smart card reader failed.
The first thing I went and looked at was to see if the DishWire ports were gone.
Yup taped over with metallic tape and SCREWED into the case.
Below is a picture.
This shows me that Dish KNEW for awhile that the DishWire ports were discontinued. So how come they didn't say anything about it until I called them to the table on it?
The first thing I went and looked at was to see if the DishWire ports were gone.
Yup taped over with metallic tape and SCREWED into the case.
Below is a picture.
This shows me that Dish KNEW for awhile that the DishWire ports were discontinued. So how come they didn't say anything about it until I called them to the table on it?