921 gamble

and STILL my biggest reason for holding off on the 921, even though I was all set to pull the trigger, is the lack of a defined storage capacity increase method. 25 hours just aint gonna cut it.
I think the 921 will be Dish's premiere box for a while. BUT, I'd guess we'll see a bigger hard drive within a year (I suppose then it's not a 921).

I've sent E-Mail to ceo@echostar.com compaining abou the lack of expandability. I hope everyone else who feels the same way has too.

My problem is I WANT HD, and I CAN'T go back to live TV (no PVR).

dmodemd: Even though you can always upgrade a computer, economically it often doesn't pay (although E* could certainly let us swap/add hard drive if they wanted to - remember the expansion port on the back of the 50x).
les017 said:
and STILL my biggest reason for holding off on the 921, even though I was all set to pull the trigger, is the lack of a defined storage capacity increase method. 25 hours just aint gonna cut it.

I agree that 25 hours, of HD storage, doesn't seem like a lot.

I looked at this also and here's how I worked through it:

I'm recording HD shows to watch them not store them. Whether it be time shifting or two shows I want to see on at the same time, the goal is to see the recorded show.

Based on my recording history, I'll be recording mainly 1 hour shows, with an occasional 2 hour movie.

If I have 20+ unwatched shows sitting in my hard drive, maybe hard drive capacity isn't my biggest problem. Maybe my choice as to what I really want to watch is the problem. I don't plan on "archiving" the entire season of CSI in HD. If it's on the hard drive it's only there until I can see it, which should be within a week.

But thats how I use recording capabilities and that doesn't mean everyone does it the same way.

I want it now. All I'm looking for at this time is to time shift HD programming, not archiving. Even if/when they enable the firewire ports I doubt that I'll be running out for a D-VHS deck, which I see as a short term/dead end product. When they come out with recordable DVD-HD systems then you'll have my interest.
No I have a feeling we will see it before December 1st.

Dish knows that there is no inventory of equipment to sell to new customers for the Holidays, they are counting on all this new equipment to come out to fill these needs.

I predict "Ready or not here it comes"

I am sure a lot of Dish Retailers are waiting for a bone from Dish as they are looking forward to the new equipment come out so they can make some money to spend this holiday season.
But Scott- While I would like to believe what you say is the case, the business side of the 921 is not a very good picture with only 5% retail margin. Retailers love Keystone and are used to a 65-35 cost - margin on electronics. Unless there is some secret "bone" for retailers selling the 921 that is not margin related, I can't see any retailer jumping for joy over the 921.
The superdish seems like a big overhead for installers compared to the basic 500. I hope I'm wrong and Dish takes care of the retailers but from what I've heard around town, that is not the case.
The last thing I want to hear is, dealer install is mandatory but I can't do it because I haven't gone to school on it, or, "we don't run wires and just drill a hole through your wall near the TV and then run the cable around the corner of the room. "
"Ready or not here it comes." ??

"Not" being ready will hurt sales more than additional delays. Initial word-of-mouth on a bad unit will scare everyone away and pi** off those that buy it.
I've been waiting for the 921 for months. This week, I spoke to a local retailer who told me not to expect the 921 'til the second quarter of next year! He's usually pretty knowledgeable, but we'll just have to wait and see, I guess!
Scott Greczkowski said:
AppliedAggression said:
Yes. A few people have a lot of problems, and they love to share them, over and over again.

And if you notice its the SAME two people doing 98% of the complaigning.

I love my 721 and have since I purchased it. I do not regret for one moment this purchase, and I too will have a 921 as soon as they are available. :)

Ditto, Ditto, and Ditto.

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