I decided I am so sick of the 811 I am gonna sell it. PM me if interested. I would switch to D* but my wife hates TIVO and loves Dishs DVR. So I will activate my D* HD box and sub only to the HD pack. That will solve my issue I think. I hope someone @ Dish reads this and passes it on to your monley @$$ engineers YOUR HD EQUIPMENT SUCKS! Please go back to school and learn how to code. Maybe, just maybe I will reactivate it.
I hope I didnt offend anyone it's just been almost a full year and this 811 hasnt worked to what echostar advertise's it to do. They need to put in the manual, or post all the bug's. If your thinking about upgrading to a 811 use this as a buyers beware!
I decided I am so sick of the 811 I am gonna sell it. PM me if interested. I would switch to D* but my wife hates TIVO and loves Dishs DVR. So I will activate my D* HD box and sub only to the HD pack. That will solve my issue I think. I hope someone @ Dish reads this and passes it on to your monley @$$ engineers YOUR HD EQUIPMENT SUCKS! Please go back to school and learn how to code. Maybe, just maybe I will reactivate it.
I hope I didnt offend anyone it's just been almost a full year and this 811 hasnt worked to what echostar advertise's it to do. They need to put in the manual, or post all the bug's. If your thinking about upgrading to a 811 use this as a buyers beware!