811 s-video and dvi at the same time


Original poster
Dec 4, 2003
I have a question:

If I have the 811 hooked up to an hdtv via DVI, and I'm turned to, let's say, HBO HD, and I have the s-video hooked up to a regular non-hd tv at the same time on the same unit... would the picture show up as a widescreen on the regular tv? How is the picture quality?

Thanks in advance.
babyjayc said:
If I have the 811 hooked up to an hdtv via DVI, and I'm turned to, let's say, HBO HD, and I have the s-video hooked up to a regular non-hd tv at the same time on the same unit... would the picture show up as a widescreen on the regular tv? How is the picture quality?

I don't have any of the Dish HD channels, so I can only speak for OTA HD. You'll get black bars at the top and bottom of the s-video output. With the current software, I can't find any way to change that behavior. The picture quality seems fine, although I haven't studied it in any detail.

That's right. HD over the S-video or composite is letterboxed. Non HD is the way you'd expect over the same connections.
babyjayc said:
I have a question:

If I have the 811 hooked up to an hdtv via DVI, and I'm turned to, let's say, HBO HD, and I have the s-video hooked up to a regular non-hd tv at the same time on the same unit... would the picture show up as a widescreen on the regular tv? How is the picture quality?

Thanks in advance.

I can't speak to the 811 directly, but when I got my 811, I moved my 6000 to a standard 4:3 TV. The s-video output delivers a widescreen letterboxed picture. The quality of that picture is outstanding on the HD programs.
That's good to hear, because I will be using both outputs at once and it's important that the quality of the s-video/composite/[what's the lowest quality one called?] is acceptable for others when I'm enjoying HDTV for myself. ;)


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PJL, you're right about the VCR problem

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