811--Just ordered my receiver from DISH for $149

Tom Forness

Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 7, 2003
I just called DISH and ordered my 811 Receiver to replace my 6000u. It will be installed tomorrow between 8-12n.

It only cost $149 with no cc autopay.

Too bad I didn't know about this last month when I bought the 6000u.
Just got one for myself as well...$149! It must be installed. Mine will be here Saturday. I guess the installer brings it with him.

I'd like to ask how any of you got an 811 by calling DISH in the first place.

I called four times - Lets just say Dish customer service is awful.

On the first call I was told the 811 has not been launched yet. I'm not going to waste my time with that stupidity so I called back. On the second call, the CSR actually told me they didn't know anything about it but to watch the next Charlie chat. The third call, this morning, told me 811 receiver is not available from Dish - they will NOT sell them directly at all and to check with a local retailer. Final call, again this morning, CSR told me again that 811 is not available through DISH at all, and when I mentioned this 199 deal he told me there are NO promotions on the 811 whatsoever.

I called a local retailer and they told me they do not have 811s and will not install any for at least a month.

Who did you have to sleep with to get an 811 from Dish?

Sorry for the tone, but I'm frustrated as h@#&%$ with Dish. Do ANY of them know what's going on?

I got the same thing this morning.She told me they didn't sell the 811 directly.I then asked to speak with her supervisor.She put me on hold and then came back and said I was chosen as an "exclusive customer" and told me the price on the 811 was not $199 but was $149.I just about soiled myself and then ordered it.It will be here Sunday morning!Try again.
I would call again and tell the CSR to check their computer. The only reason I was able to order through DISH was because I ordered from them originally. If you ordered through retailer you need to call them.

Good luck.
I just ordered my 811 for $149 and the HD pak. Paid with a credit card and they were happy. When I first called the CSR informed me that you had to be a new customer. I stated that yesterday I had been told that I could order today for either $199 or as a club dish for $149.00. She asked me to wait and then came back and said that I qualified for the $149.00 and my new receiver will be installed this Saturday 6th by noon.

We also discussed the dishes and she thought I needed two and I stated that the HD pack had been moved to the 110 slot. Again I had to wait and then she came back and stated that I was right and that all I needed was the Dish 500. I paid $258.49. This included the 811 receiver and the HD pack for 1 year. ALRIGHT!! :D :D
Thanks - I'll call ... AGAIN.

I originally ordered through Dish. The number for the local place I called to see if they had one was provided to me by - wait for it - the Dish CSR who told me I could buy one locally.

Maybe I should skip the initial part and go straight to the Supervisor? Couldn't hurt.

811 buy

This is my first post here and I want to extend my thanks to Scott and the members of this site for this terrific venue. You (I say "collectively")have been a tremendous asset during my lurking period. In fact, your zeal for being the first site with breaking news is what convinced me to register today. I have you guys to thank for my new 811 @ the bargain price of $149.00. I just ordered it this morning and the dish dude will be here Friday.

Just got of the phone and my new 811 will be installed on monday for $149 with no other fees or commitment. I would like to thank everyone who posted about this, I was going to order it from a retailer for $199 till I heard about this deal so I called and got it. Great work Scott and everyone :D

So I called again.

I finally talked to a CSR who actually knew what he was talking about right from the beginning.

I ordered the 811 and the HD package for a year. Installer will be here Saturday morning btw 8 and noon.

One bit of weirdness - I got mine for 199 and the HD Pack for a year at 109 (one month free for signing up for the year).

I didn't get the 149 price, but this was my fifth call and I've had enough.

The lesson here - as always with Dish - Don't Give Up! You will eventually get a CSR who doesn't have the IQ of a carrot who can actually help you.

Add one more $149.00 purchase to the list. Installation Saturday between noon and 5:00pm. This is one hell of a deal. At this price i will still purchase a 921 when they are available.
Just ordered one for $149. I think I have figured out why they are doing these super deals... it's the only way to get past how terrible an experience you are going to have getting it. The CSR says you are such a great long time customer we have this great deal for you and there will be no commitments or contracts involved. Charges my CC and sends me off to the order closer. I am them told that I am now obligated for a year and would be stuck with a $250 backcharge if I cancel service.

Add one more to the $149 list!

Called this morning after being told yesterday that I was not showing up for the $149 special, even though I was listed as an 'exclusive' customer. I'm really suprised, as I have never had movie channels. I have, however, been a customer since 1/97. I've had the regional sports package a few times. I've mostly been a TOP50/TOP100 customer, but this past year I've had Top 150, but only because it was required to get the free DISH500 upgrade.

I'm really jazzed. Saturday 8-12 install. And I only currently have a 10 year old 35" Mitsubitshi analog. I've viewed OTA HD via svideo on this set and EVEN ON THIS SET it looks incredible (very DVD like). Can't wait to see the SEC Championship game OTA on Saturday (even downressed HD!)

Will be replacing a 7 year old 4000 (but I am keeping it for a potential extra receiver down the road.)

Big SatelliteGuys.US fan!
Me too! I also qualify for $149 and have a monday install. They also sent me to a verification person who seemed to also be familiar with the deal, although I think she was reading the notice as she went!
The CSR says you are such a great long time customer we have this great deal for you and there will be no commitments or contracts involved. Charges my CC and sends me off to the order closer. I am them told that I am now obligated for a year and would be stuck with a $250 backcharge if I cancel service

THat doesn't make any sense at All !
Just called for my 811 and was offerred the $149.00 price. However, the CSR told me that since I have an outstanding work order for a superdish to be installed this Saturday (12/6), she could not add the work for the 811, or let me order it at this time. She said to call back on Saturday after the SD install was completed and place the order for the 811. She told me the $149.00 offer would still be good at that time and gave me her CSR number for reference if necessary.
The CSR says you are such a great long time customer we have this great deal for you and there will be no commitments or contracts involved. Charges my CC and sends me off to the order closer. I am them told that I am now obligated for a year and would be stuck with a $250 backcharge if I cancel service

THat doesn't make any sense at All !

Both my CSR and verifier stated that the $149 deal carried NO commitments.
$250 back charge if you cancel ? Sounds like a commitment to me .

Is anyone geting a Free Second Dish to watch HBO and Sho HD ?
811 for $149

Add one more to the list. I just got off the phone with Dish. I can't believe this deal. Does anyone know how much the 6000's are going for? I guess I better list it on Ebay pretty quickly.

811 or DVR-921

Self installed an 811 today

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