I bet this one caused the 1 week delay. Possibly they wanted too much for their HD signal, so then they put up the SD version of it and tested for a week.
What is with two sets of Burlington VT locals....one designated Boston/Burlington and one designated Albany/Burlington. Is this the return of Significant Viewed locals?
why was scranton locals put on conus? is that only hd or does it also include sd? i havent been around here in a while so i may be missing something but that seems weird that they would be conus.
AMC in HD on Dish - Hell has now officially frozen![]()
Another National HD channel not available to PR customers. The gap widens.
And I believe it's not available to AK and HI either.
WFVX is definitely not in HD... Masterchef is in HD on my cable feed but not in my Dish feed. It's very obvious that their feed is a SD uplink.
I noticed that also. I am pissed of about this now. Dish has in WFVX HD in the guide instead of the real inf & it's not even in HD. Way to advertise HD and only deliver SD crap.
I wouldn't be pissed if they just said SD from the beginning.
I am confused by this as well. Any insight? Doesn't make sense.
They just barely uplinked it and you're already hatin'.
It's possible they just screwed up or something lagged and they wanted to launch the others so they launched it. Since the WFVX HD guide section just says WFVX HD, that channel is definitely 'half baked', but the question is why and when it will be fixed.
I know I am hard to please sometimes & a pain the ass also.
I sure hope that this is a mistake or a glitch and that it will get fixed soon. I really want my fox in HD ASAP. By them putting WFVX HD just makes me want it even more.
It'll be red in my guide unless they put it on free preview.