722K Screen Shots and Initial Setup Thoughts

Just went back to E* after being with D* for about a year. Couldn't handle the "clunkiness" of the HR21. Anyway, got setup with the 722K. Everything fine yesterday during instal and the 722K seemed to be doing fine, even after installing the OTA module. Got all my OTA's scanned in. Watched a couple of hours of T.V. before going to bed. I woke up to the 722K not being able to be powered up (only fan noise, no lights, nothing). Am I missing anything here? I tried unplugging for awhile, plugging back in, resets don't work.
When I first starting reading I thought, wow..that's encouraging...but now it's dead. Ask for a replacement and make sure they downgrade your service so you don't get charged while waiting for you replacement. Can't imagine much more you can do.
Yeah, I even tried taking out the OTA module and same problem. Called customer service and they are sending tech out tomorrow a.m. with a replacement. Thanks for the advice on downgrading service!
Got my new receiver and OTA module today. Everything seems to work just fine. I do notice, as many have reported, the OTA channel gain is down compared with the old 622, since the signal in is split with the new module to offer an additional recording input for OTA.
For me it is a non-issue. Still have plenty of signal strength for my locals. So far, so good!
Got my replacement 722K this morning and it has been running fine since. Hopefully this one will last a long time! I haven't noticed the OTA dropoffs as compared to the digital tuner in my t.v. or DTV Pal. They fluctuate within 1-4 points of each other. Each tuner in the 722K module also fluctuate with each other between a couple of points. Either way it is not a problem as I haven't experienced drop outs. All in all a very good first couple of days back at E*!!!
They fluctuate within 1-4 points of each other. Each tuner in the 722K module also fluctuate with each other between a couple of points. Either way it is not a problem as I haven't experienced drop outs. All in all a very good first couple of days back at E*!!!

If you have a strong signal to begin with the difference should be small, as we found out. Others struggling with distance from a transmitter or an inferior indoor antenna will suffer accordingly.
Got my 722K today. It came with both component & HDMI cables but NO ota module wonder how long I'll need to spendon phone to get that fixed.
Can anyone give some help on using the setup wizard for the remote for the 722K? I have tried several times and keep getting "there was an error in this process Make sure:

1. you have not moved the remote
2. The front of the receiver is not blocked
3. The remote is between 4 to 10 feet from the receiver

I have checked the manual but am probably missing something stupid. Any help would be appreciated.
Make sure that your remote sits as close as possible. I had trouble completing it at about 8-9 feet away, but it worked perfect when it was about a foot away (I didn't try in between).
Make sure that your remote sits as close as possible. I had trouble completing it at about 8-9 feet away, but it worked perfect when it was about a foot away (I didn't try in between).

Perfect!! I will try that. I was at about 5-6 feet when I tried. Seems like it will be a great function!
The new software is working well for me...

The OTA station I have been losing lock on has been stable with no dropouts (but that could be weather.. so I am keeping an eye on it)

Also the issue with the garbeled audio coming out of standby mode has been fixed as well!
The new software is working well for me...

The OTA station I have been losing lock on has been stable with no dropouts (but that could be weather.. so I am keeping an eye on it)

Also the issue with the garbeled audio coming out of standby mode has been fixed as well!
I think it's time to order an MT2!
I am very pleased with the overall performance, OTA and otherwise with the 722k. I waited a couple of days before dropping my old 622 off at UPS this morning, just to make sure... ;)
Me too!

Already had two occasions where it was recording 4 HD programs at once and they all came out perfect.

And it's especially awesome not to have to pick and choose which overlapping OTA program gets demoted to SD anymore.
I just got a 722K this weekend (new to Dish Network) second day got a dead remote. Changed battery still would not work. Contacted Tech support and speaked to a very polite customer serrvice tech. New remote should be coming out by Tuesday. Did not know if anyone was having problems with dead remotes they were so new!

Other then this minor set back like both recivers, I also have a 612
No problem with remotes yet, but I know from previously having a 622 that the UHF remote tends to "eat" batteries much quicker than the IR counterpart. Like you I really like the 722K and it's ability to record 4 programs at once!
I did have another oddity last night on my 722k

When I got home and turned my TV on I was on an Acquiring Satellite Signal screen.

The weather was clear here, and I know my Dishes are in working order.

Have you had any other issues with the Aquiring Satellite Signal screen? We are on our third 722k receiver in three weeks because EVERY morning when we wake up, it's like the receiver was completely powered off with a hard reboot in the middle of the night. We get the red/black DishNetwork "starting up" screen, and then have to go through satellite aquisition for approximately 5-6 minutes. After everything is rebooted, it works like a charm. But every night this happens. We're assuming it takes place during the 3 am auto update, because we switched the update time to 3 pm on Saturday and it happened after that as well. Very disappointing, since we lose out on whatever was set up to record between the 3am-7am time frame.

We've had software updates, left the receiver on during the night, changed the power supply from the surge protector to a direct-to-outlet connection, etc. No other drop-outs besides turning the thing on in the morning. Any ideas? One Dish tech says he has never heard of this happening to anyone else, another says that engineering is aware of the problem and are working to fix it.

Sorry for my non-satellite speak. Thanks, everyone!

Local Channels

ridiculous commercial volume
