722k OTA Tuner Up Close

I think the reason that they are not including them is because most people don't use the OTA tuner. As long as they get HD locals they can record two things at once and they don't really care about setting up an OTA antenna.

I prefer the full bandwith OTA HD locals to compressed HD locals lite.:eek:
Just to get it straight in my head...is the ViP 722k going to be the same as the ViP 722 (i.e. 2 SAT tuners, 1 OTA tuner), but just add a slot to add a 2nd OTA tuner? Is this what will be offered to new subscribers, or will the ViP 722 still be available?
No, the 722K has no built-in OTA tuner, the module adds two OTA tuners. The 722 will no longer be made, replaced by the 722K but will remain available for years.
I prefer the full bandwith OTA HD locals to compressed HD locals lite.:eek:

Lots of people like to shout off about this, but when I'm watching on my 60" Pioneer plasma I struggle to see any tiny difference. Not enough to matter to the average consumer at all.
Lots of people like to shout off about this, but when I'm watching on my 60" Pioneer plasma I struggle to see any tiny difference. Not enough to matter to the average consumer at all.

I can tell the difference quite easily. My bro and I did a blind test one day between the OTA and SAT version. It was quite obvious to both of us.

I'd say it does matter, to many.
For those of us without HD Locals via Dish, the new 'k' is a godsend.
I can record 2 locals now, one is Dish the other OTA..problem is, only one will be HD (the OTA).
Will the tuner be the same s in the DTVPal unit or the 722? The one in the DTVPal unit is more sensitive and reliable than in the 722. One of the OTA channels consistently drops on the 722 but not on the DTVPal.
Why are they doing this and just not having the tuners in there like the other models?
Why should they pay to have it built in if they can make the customer pay for it to be installed...BTW, we have to have the module added to the work order so we can get paid for it.
D* did this (eliminate OTA from their newest generation IRDs) a couple years ago, supposedly to reduce receiver costs and because they claimed proportionally few subscribers wanted OTA. That decision cost them at least 1 customer (me).

True, I can see where your ordinary ostrich viewer (with head in sand...or possibly elsewhere) might be happy without OTA, but for TV junkies in market areas with multiple stations, OTA is not "option" for us, it's a requirement. On our last move D* informed us they couldn't move our old E86 HD Platinum receivers (not MPEG4 compliant) but offered to replace them, tho the replacements offered didn't have OTA. We cancelled. Their cust. retention group asked why and I told them why. They countered, why not use ATSC tuner in your set - I said it wasn't convenient because there was no guide + required switching inputs. We enjoy having LIL & simplicity of switching, esp. during rain fade. Also singe getting DVR anything I record from major networks (ie, Leno) I always record from OTA just as a hedge in case of storm.

I give E* credit for continuing to make the ATSC tuner available.
I switched to D* from E* after a long time.( 10 years approx ) D* did offer me a free AM21 OTA tuner addon to the HR22 that they give out as hd dvr but I said no when I found out that if you have bad satellite signal you just cant switch to OTA which was a great feature of the 722.
I can tell the difference quite easily. My bro and I did a blind test one day between the OTA and SAT version. It was quite obvious to both of us.

I'd say it does matter, to many.

I would say there is a difference, but unless you are continuously comparing them that margin becomes even smaller.
Also, I think the convenience of being able to record 2 HD local channels (one OTA local HD and another Dish local HD) easily makes up for the difference also. Of course, with the new 'k' receivers you may well have your cake and watch it too. :)
Silly me. I thought mid-December meant 2008, not 2009 :)

For us who live in a market with NO HD locals through Dish the 722k will be wonderful.

Has the DTVPal DVR started shipping yet? (Yes)

Tech Chat Recap 11-10-08
