722k Newbie Questions


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 8, 2010
A couple quick questions about my 722k receiver. Just returned to Dish Network from being with Direct for a couple of years. I choose the 722k to save me a bit of money on my monthly bill compared to the Hopper. But I am beginning to think that may it wasn't worth saving an extra $15.00 per month.

1. Is there anyway to change from Dual mode to Single mode without opening the front of the receiver and pressing the mode button. Kind of bummed that I can't record a program and TV1 and watch a live program on TV1 at the same time and found out I have to be in single mode to do this. I can't believe there is no options on the remote to do this.

2. When I am moving forward on a recorded program it moves to fast. It moves a a clip of x4 which is ridiculous. Anyway to change this to where it moves like at a 1x or 2x speed.

I bet I am just going to have to learn to deal with this over the course of the next two years. Thanks in advance for the advice.
A couple quick questions about my 722k receiver. Just returned to Dish Network from being with Direct for a couple of years. I choose the 722k to save me a bit of money on my monthly bill compared to the Hopper. But I am beginning to think that may it wasn't worth saving an extra $15.00 per month.

1. Is there anyway to change from Dual mode to Single mode without opening the front of the receiver and pressing the mode button. Kind of bummed that I can't record a program and TV1 and watch a live program on TV1 at the same time and found out I have to be in single mode to do this. I can't believe there is no options on the remote to do this.

2. When I am moving forward on a recorded program it moves to fast. It moves a a clip of x4 which is ridiculous. Anyway to change this to where it moves like at a 1x or 2x speed.

I bet I am just going to have to learn to deal with this over the course of the next two years. Thanks in advance for the advice.

I had a 722k for a couple years, and i really loved it. However, I do not know of any other way to switch from single to dual/dual to single without pressing the mode button on front of rcvr. As far as the FF speed, have you tried the skip forward button? Right above the FF button, and it skips forward 30 seconds. Maybe that is way too much, but just wanted to throw it out there bc it is great for commercials. Hope that helps a little bit.
No, you cannot change either of the items you asked about, you will have to get used to it. Also note, with the Hopper, there is not single or dual user mode. If you brought this up due to pip, you would need to make sure any additional Joeys were in standby or viewing a recording if you need an the second tuner for it. Also, the FF control on the H/J works the same as the 722k.
Your 722k should default to TV 2 tuner for recording 1st and only use tuner 1 if more than 1 program is recorded at the same time from Dish. I always leave my 722 in dual mode. If I want to watch what TV2 tuner is recording, I just wait a few seconds and start watching it by doing a dvr playback.
No, you cannot change either of the items you asked about, you will have to get used to it. Also note, with the Hopper, there is not single or dual user mode. If you brought this up due to pip, you would need to make sure any additional Joeys were in standby or viewing a recording if you need an the second tuner for it. Also, the FF control on the H/J works the same as the 722k.

No that's not correct. Well you're right about the 722k but PiP works on the Hoppers at all times, except for when using the Sling Adapter. Hopper also has three tuners, so even if a Joey is using a tuner, the Hopper still has two more. Even if the Joey used all tuners, can still use PiP that is shared with the Joeys or PiP with recorded content.
No that's not correct. Well you're right about the 722k but PiP works on the Hoppers at all times, except for when using the Sling Adapter. Hopper also has three tuners, so even if a Joey is using a tuner, the Hopper still has two more. Even if the Joey used all tuners, can still use PiP that is shared with the Joeys or PiP with recorded content.

I know I wasn't totally clear, firstly I only have use of a Hopper while at work and haven't been able to access a lot of the Hopper's features and my post should have been phrased more as a question. Secondly, I was trying to figure out what the OP's problem is as wanting to switch between single/dual modes. Anyway, my thinking as far as the pip on the Hopper is concerned in not with what tuner's are available, but when tuners are busy and you want pip for different programing. Example, what say if only one Hopper, PTAT is engaged, kids are watching Sponge Bob and you want to view games on NFL Channel and ESPN. My experience is if you want pip, you may be better off not having to share the tuners. This probably seems confused on my part as well.
Thanks for all the advise. My main problem is that while in Dual mode I am unable to record a program and watch another program at the same time on TV1. When I press "record" and then try to switch to another program it says I cannot do that in Dual mode and I have to switch to Single mode in order to accomplish this. Since I don't use TV2 very much in the bedroom I have opted to switch to "single mode" so that I would have that function since I use that type of recording scenerio more often than I actually watch TV2.

I am intested in what dwarren2 above mentioned: """ Your 722k should default to TV 2 tuner for recording 1st and only use tuner 1 if more than 1 program is recorded at the same time from Dish. I always leave my 722 in dual mode. If I want to watch what TV2 tuner is recording, I just wait a few seconds and start watching it by doing a dvr playback."

because this seems to be an answer to how I would like my TV to work but it doesn't seem to be working that way if I understand correct.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.

Have you tried this while in dual mode: press menu; preferences; record plus; enable and you may want to choose tv2 (if someone is using tv2, this will interrupt their viewing). If you are not sharing the receiver, just leave it in single user mode and you should be able to change channel normally or switch to the another tuner (either sat or ota depending if either is active in your pip) just by hitting the swap button. My preference is to leave the receiver in single user mode since bedroom tv and living room tv are most used by me and are not usually being view at the same time. I switch it when I need different programs to be viewed at the same, which I stated is very rare. Hope this helps.
Hi Garys, thanks for the info. Let me make sure I have this right. If I stay in dual mode and set my preferences and make record plus preference TV2 then it will always record on TV2 an leave TV1 open for me to watch whatever channel I want, however it someone wants to watch TV2 they will have to watch the program that is recording at that time if something is set to record while they are watching TV2 otherwise they can watch whatever they want if nothing is recording.

Or I can just keep it on single mode. In single mode both TV's will show the same program that is being watched at any given time or will TV2 just not have a picture in single mode?

Recording to TV2 can be done in HD. Correct?

Thanks for your time.
In dual mode, if you have preprogramed Tuner 2 to record, a person watching TV2 output can either watch that program or watch something prerecorded on the dvr. If both tuners are recording then you can watch those or something from the dvr. You can watch what is being recorded on tuner 2 as long a you start a few seconds after the recording has started. If you have an ota module for the k, you can still watch ota and also record ota.
Thanks for all the advise. You guys have been very help. Coming form Direct TV with the Whole Room DVR it has been a challenge, but nothing that I can't live or learn to live with.

Again Thanks.
If you press "record" on a program you are watching on TV1, it will record on TV1. The "Record Plus" option to set the default to TV2 is for timer recordings only.
Here's a big feature to the dvr. Press the dvr button 3 times. You will get a list of your recordings for the next week. You can arrow over to the list, move to a scheduled recording and press into. You can arrow to the top and select Restore/Skip for that recording. There are other things you can do at that screen. Have fun playing around.

when did s221 come out ?

Hopper Review