Same thing happened to my neighbors brand new 722k this evening. After a 9 hour install yesterday I went over to see what mess was left. And yes there was one. DISH (these were DISH installers - two whole vans) is getting very snippy about how they can do things and sloppy with what they do on their installs. After cleaning things up (which will have to be continued next Spring) I was running through the menu topics and explaining them and doing a final "dial in", when the box that is in the basement directly below where I was using the 21.0, just stopped responding to the remote on TV1. TV2 upstairs in the master worked great the whole time. One thing, they ran the antenna up to the TV2 location doing the RF and Antenna combining thing, leaving none at the box. Usually an antenna higher up is a good thing, but . . . I have a 4 way splitter on my 625 and an antenna at each end of the house and one in the middle and it works great. It even helps the other boxes that are not hooked up to it. I went down and tried three remotes via IR and still nothing. I did the Power Button Reset, nothing. Then a "pull the plug" power cycle, still nothing. And all the while TV2 worked great. Another thing the 21.0 remote was acting wonky all night so I got mine and a 6.3. Both worked, the 6.3 worked better than the 21.0's, then after the box stopped responding no remote would work. But TV2 worked just fine. I put a splitter on the antenna and added an antenna at the box and reconnected the run the the master bedroom. Still TV1 would not work and TV2 did.
Any thoughts?
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.