motjes2 said:Here is the bug I reported before. Scott, was this bug resolved in the new update. What's the new update version?
1 - Star recording any program by pushing the "record" button on the remote control. At this point you will get the "Start Recording Options" window.
2 - Select "Manual user stop" and click "Done". The program will start recording.
3 - Now, push the "PVR" button on the remote control. This will take you to the "PVR Record Event" window.
4 - Select any previously recorded program and select "Start Over".
5 - At this point you will get a window called Error 312. it states the following: "Your request can only be carried out in live mode. Stop recording and switch to live mode now?" The only options are "Yes", "Cancel" or "No".
This is a bug because you should be able to watch a pre-recorded event even if both turners are being used for recording.
Solution: to get rid of the bug, you need to stop your manually recorded event or cancel the pre-recorded event.
We have encountered that as well.
In addition, I had a new bug this week. I attempted to delete a program after watching it - while something else was recording. When I tried to delete the show I had watched, I received a Disk Full error, despite having 50+ hours of room remaining on the harddrive.
When I went to view the show that had been recording when I received the error, I got a black screen. A reboot fixed the problem, but my machine had been rebooted just a day or two before, so it shouldnt be related to the gradual slowdown we all see.