70+ HD Channels in Engineering Mode

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I don't think it has as much effect as you think on E* customers or cable providers. If they want NFL Sunday ticket that bad ,they would become a Directv customer.then D* would have 300 million customers not just 16 million.Every provider always has something that maybe another provider doesn't have . You have said this a million times yourself. Find what programming you like and a price you can live with and chose. Remember not everyone cares about these expensive sports packs.

Hemi - I actually really agree with what you say - but you are not understanding that what I did was reply to someone who was saying that not having VOOM was a loss - I feel (just MY OPINION) that not having the ability to have those sports channels is a bigger loss. And as you would say - if a D* sub wanted VOOM they would become a DISH customer.

I would bet that a large number of DISH subs would like the CHOICE to purchase MLB or NFL. I also think that there are a number (but a much smaller number)of D* subs that would like VOOM.

But naturally, the providers will offer different things, if they were identical how would a person choose?
I would bet that a large number of DISH subs would like the CHOICE to purchase MLB or NFL. I also think that there are a number (but a much smaller number)of D* subs that would like VOOM.

That's a generalization that may or may not be a fact. I would quantify that fact before I bet.
That's a generalization that may or may not be a fact. I would quantify that fact before I bet.

The FACT is that almost 2 million D* subs PAY for NFL. Are there even 2 million DISH HD subs? Obviously NFL is a BIGGER draw than VOOM. And don't take that statement as a KNOCK on VOOM, but a reality that the sports item is MUCH more in demand that VOOM.
I would bet that a large number of DISH subs would like the CHOICE to purchase MLB or NFL. I also think that there are a number (but a much smaller number)of D* subs that would like VOOM.

But naturally, the providers will offer different things, if they were identical how would a person choose?
OH , I agree 100% ,It would be nice if both Satellite providers offered these sports pack.I think they should.I don't think one should have the rights and not the other.
I've been enjoying more HD with Dish and cut my Directv subscription way back for a while. I've been scolded here a few times for saying Dish was killin Directv in the HD department and they still are as of now. But this is huge... I'll probally give Dish a month or so and if they don't make some Major additions I'll have to swap again. I may even drop dish all together. I love my 622 but I will have to get over it. There are alot of movie channels on that list and SciFi.................... WOW
The FACT is that almost 2 million D* subs PAY for NFL. Are there even 2 million DISH HD subs? Obviously NFL is a BIGGER draw than VOOM. And don't take that statement as a KNOCK on VOOM, but a reality that the sports item is MUCH more in demand that VOOM.
I agree Sports is bigger then Voom. I would clearly take NFL pack over voom,If it was $20.But the fact that NFL in HD is $350,Thats what turns me away.
Any idea about HD locals? I am in the Toledo market are have been "soon" for quite a while. We all have to have a separate dish besides the 5lnb to get our locals. I wonder of they will use 72.5 to broadcast of HD locals?
Maybe the remainder of the 16 million D* subs might want VOOM, I don't know. Unless you quantify your facts you can't say for sure, one way or the other. But, if you say so, it must be a true. :)
OH ,well !! anyway I got another HR-20 comming on Saturday. So I hope We get these channels lit soon . I still have to keep my Dish HD pack,Showtime. and Cinemax with E* ,Just in case.But I'm going with Directv for their HD as well,but also their Starz and HBO packs.But I am dropping E* top 250 pack for the top 100. I'll use Directv for my main programming,as of Saturday. SO lets light them up Directv.
Be very careful how much stock you put in this report. Many of the channels listed do not exist and some have been publicly announced by the programmers for introduction next year.

You are partially correct harshness.
Many channels do not exist IS true, however, Many of these SAME channels are waiting for D* TO GO LIVE TO START THEIR PROGRAMMING....

Why would any channel go live in HD when they have no way for anyone to see their channel ???

Any idea about HD locals? I am in the Toledo market are have been "soon" for quite a while. We all have to have a separate dish besides the 5lnb to get our locals. I wonder of they will use 72.5 to broadcast of HD locals?

I would expect them to go live when the second sat goes up and is operational. Sometime around April/ May ...

I'm in your area too, been watching locals in HD for many years now. Throw up an antenna, maybe even an indoor one and see what you can get.
I use an outdoor antenna and now watch locals about 90 % more than I did before the HD came on line.

Also, :welcome to the site !!!

Maybe the remainder of the 16 million D* subs might want VOOM, I don't know. Unless you quantify your facts you can't say for sure, one way or the other. But, if you say so, it must be a true. :)

Yeah - we could go back and forth all night with this - but I draw my OPINION on some simple facts which I will now 'quantify' for you.

From a satguys (and other similar fourms) approach, I have seen and read LOTS of threads in the DISH forums regarding the MLB negotiations - regarding NFL exclusivity, now there are many about the Big Ten Network. I see very FEW if any threads that gather much interest in the DirecTV or cable forums about wanting VOOM.

From a pay provider standpoint, NONE of them (except their OWNERS Cablevision, and DISH) carry EVEN 1 channel. I have to think that ALL THE OTHER providers don't feel that there is any significant demand for those channels. Heck, as I said, Cablevision didn't even carry a single one for 2 years. They put it on now, ONLY to have something to say in light of DISH AND DIRECTV adding HD channels.

Even now, when DirecTV will have the capacity to offer VOOM, I see no mention of them getting it. If they thought that it was highly sought after - why wouldn't they?

That's what I base MY OPINION on - what do you base yours on?
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but will the new HD channels for D* automatically appear in the guide & favorites or will they need to be added manually?
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but will the new HD channels for D* automatically appear in the guide & favorites or will they need to be added manually?

Simple answer...they will appear in the guide for those channels that you receive already in SD. As for the edited favorite list, this is a good question...not sure. Maybe someone else can chime in for that answer. But I did read that you will need to redo your "Season Passes" once the new HD version of the SD channels are lit. I guess that has to do with the mapping and how the manually entered Season Passes work.
Any one get a call from a CS rep asking you to check if your receiver/s pass the g band test on Channel 499? I did Tuesday.
Got called today. She wouldn't let me just say, yes I am ready. Read her script like a robot. Tried to be friendly to her, but no personality on her part.
Yeah - we could go back and forth all night with this - but I draw my OPINION on some simple facts which I will now 'quantify' for you.

From a satguys (and other similar fourms) approach, I have seen and read LOTS of threads in the DISH forums regarding the MLB negotiations - regarding NFL exclusivity, now there are many about the Big Ten Network. I see very FEW if any threads that gather much interest in the DirecTV or cable forums about wanting VOOM.

From a pay provider standpoint, NONE of them (except their OWNERS Cablevision, and DISH) carry EVEN 1 channel. I have to think that ALL THE OTHER providers don't feel that there is any significant demand for those channels. Heck, as I said, Cablevision didn't even carry a single one for 2 years. They put it on now, ONLY to have something to say in light of DISH AND DIRECTV adding HD channels.

Even now, when DirecTV will have the capacity to offer VOOM, I see no mention of them getting it. If they thought that it was highly sought after - why wouldn't they?

That's what I base MY OPINION on - what do you base yours on?

I base my opinion on the fact that, D* has 16 million plus subs and E* has 13 million plus subs and statistically, the number of people who post here is an insignificant number compared to the total subscriber base and you or anyone else here does not really know what the subscribers of either provider want or don't want based upon what is posted in these forums.
I base my opinion on the fact that, D* has 16 million plus subs and E* has 13 million plus subs and statistically, the number of people who post here is an insignificant number compared to the total subscriber base and you or anyone else here does not really know what the subscribers of either provider want or don't want based upon what is posted in these forums.
I can agree with that!
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