(1) If I pause a show, keep that tuner paused when I switch over (Swap) to the other tuner. Tivo does this. Its perfect for channel surfing and knowing if you're watching another game/movie your original will be paused where you left it when you return. We can only do this if we're recording both shows which is a pain in the a**.
They talked about this being included with the side by side pip upgrade that is coming out tomorrow, hopefully it is there.
(2) I second the request for recordings...to default to ONCE. Or at least give us a "set defaults" option. No reason this should be set to ALL. Makes no sense.
(3) Option to get rid of the On Demand movies. Takes up drive space I know we don't have access to anyway, but why should I have an extra button push for something I'll never use. Let us ignore this "feature."
This one doesn't really bother me, but I do want external storage to solve the space problem
(4) More custom search (season pass) options. For instance, if the same informercial keeps getting recorded every week because it happens to have the same words as a valid search, I should be able to include "ignore" options. (i.e. "record all shows with XXXXX but skip any show called "YYYYYY".)
I don't run into this problem as I don't use the DishPass often
(5) More custom search options....add "new" to the search. For instance, I was recording every Villanova college basketball game. I'd get 2-3 recordings of every game! The HD one, the SD one, and a later broadcast of the same game.
I'm confused on this one, there is a "new" option on timers. Or do you just mean the actual search? Because if that is what you mean I totally disagree. I want to see all options. Some things I record in SD and some in HD, also some things I record OTA and some via satellite.