Sorry, but I try and use logic, common sense, past experience, etc, etc when I comment and/or reply. I wasn't attacking you so much as emphasizing "don't believe something just 'cause a Dish tech tells you".
I've been here long enough and seen people get sooooo worked up over a feature or plan that E* announces and too many times, guess what ?? It never comes.... Go peruse the Weather Channel related thread. People were checking hourly for an update that was supposed to be coming ! They were doing 'Check switches' multiple times a day trying to force an update ! If you're experiencing an annoying bug that supposedly is to be fixed in "the next release", yes, I can understand being anxious for it. If you simply want a cool feature that's coming in "the next release", what can you do ?? One thing: Wait. You don't have it today, so you're not doing without. This cool feature isn't stopping your receiver from working today either.
When I suggested that Scott stop posting rumors, believe it or not, it works both ways. He can post a rumor and claim "exclusive" or "you read it here first". Those are great for publicity but only when they come true ! What happens when he posts multiple rumour after rumor and they don't come true ?? People will stop believing them....
Finally, I don't believe I ever personally attack anyone here. I try and get people to take a step back, take some deep breathes, and calm down. Ignore me if you want. I won't lose sleep over it....