622 L4.01 To Spool on Thursday! (Not sure WHICH thursday though)

Why is this thread sticky ?? Let it remain at the top of the forum based on posts, not force it there. How many "I haven't rec'd it yet" posts do we need ?? P Smith is "watching" the satellite stream and he can announce when something comes out. After that, if someone gets it, sure, let others know ! Coming and posting "I haven't got it yet" or "why haven't I got it ?" or worse, "how do I force an update ?" is no value....
If the reason for the delays is from finding problems at the last minute (3/1 and 3/15 for L4.01 for example), imagine the pressure on the engineers if/when it does ever get released. :what

It had better be bulletproof...
Note to cosmo: It ain't gonna be. No matter what. Hands down. Something isn't gonna work. It ain't a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when".

I know, I'm a realist. I just threw that in there out of frustration. I forgot to add this little guy ;)

I install and upgrade application software for a living, and I know first hand when there is a delay from our end, the pressure and expectations from the frustrated customer only increases over time.

Release it when it's ready, let us know when it's out there. We'll report our findings here.
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Fact of life: All software has bugs.

Yes, but Dish should have far less bugs than your average software because they have exclusive control of the hardware and the software used on it.
This is a little off topic

i look at all the post on this thread most of them bashing dish network and unhappy with the delays and i agree with them. And from the looks of it Hall likes to bash the people posting.. Whats up with that Hall you seem to take everything to heart and fire back at everyone with sometime of rude remarks
Hall is Hall. :)

With that said please lets not turn this into bashing of members.

The software IS coming, the question now once again is WHEN.
maybe they didnt mean soon they ment 2009 but they thought it would be better if they replaced the 2 with a S and the 9 with a N(for nine)
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Sorry, but I try and use logic, common sense, past experience, etc, etc when I comment and/or reply. I wasn't attacking you so much as emphasizing "don't believe something just 'cause a Dish tech tells you".

I've been here long enough and seen people get sooooo worked up over a feature or plan that E* announces and too many times, guess what ?? It never comes.... Go peruse the Weather Channel related thread. People were checking hourly for an update that was supposed to be coming ! They were doing 'Check switches' multiple times a day trying to force an update ! If you're experiencing an annoying bug that supposedly is to be fixed in "the next release", yes, I can understand being anxious for it. If you simply want a cool feature that's coming in "the next release", what can you do ?? One thing: Wait. You don't have it today, so you're not doing without. This cool feature isn't stopping your receiver from working today either.

When I suggested that Scott stop posting rumors, believe it or not, it works both ways. He can post a rumor and claim "exclusive" or "you read it here first". Those are great for publicity but only when they come true ! What happens when he posts multiple rumour after rumor and they don't come true ?? People will stop believing them....

Finally, I don't believe I ever personally attack anyone here. I try and get people to take a step back, take some deep breathes, and calm down. Ignore me if you want. I won't lose sleep over it....
Please note I did not label this one as a rumor. :)

In addition I said:
(Note: while a software is scheduled to be released it does not always mean that it will be released, however it is nice to see it back on the schedule)

In addition another website had the new about the software update on its homepage yesterday as well.

When I do report a rumor I clearly label it as a rumor. :)
I have to say that I agree with this post...it seems like forums should be an exchange of ideas and opinions....why should some people be held as sacrosanct and not ever be questioned. There have been many times on this site that Dish information is quoted as the gospel and it never materializes. I have learned just to take everything with a grain of salt and not believe it till I see it. I know no one is intentionally misleading anyone, but are anxious to be the first to say it.

Sorry, but I try and use logic, common sense, past experience, etc, etc when I comment and/or reply. I wasn't attacking you so much as emphasizing "don't believe something just 'cause a Dish tech tells you".

I've been here long enough and seen people get sooooo worked up over a feature or plan that E* announces and too many times, guess what ?? It never comes.... Go peruse the Weather Channel related thread. People were checking hourly for an update that was supposed to be coming ! They were doing 'Check switches' multiple times a day trying to force an update ! If you're experiencing an annoying bug that supposedly is to be fixed in "the next release", yes, I can understand being anxious for it. If you simply want a cool feature that's coming in "the next release", what can you do ?? One thing: Wait. You don't have it today, so you're not doing without. This cool feature isn't stopping your receiver from working today either.

When I suggested that Scott stop posting rumors, believe it or not, it works both ways. He can post a rumor and claim "exclusive" or "you read it here first". Those are great for publicity but only when they come true ! What happens when he posts multiple rumour after rumor and they don't come true ?? People will stop believing them....

Finally, I don't believe I ever personally attack anyone here. I try and get people to take a step back, take some deep breathes, and calm down. Ignore me if you want. I won't lose sleep over it....
You know, having built a little bit of software in my career I have to scratch my head a little bit.

Not at the release being pulled but at those who would rather it release with bugs "in the wild" -- that's the general public for those that haven't seen the term used that way before.

Also, it generally costs 5-10x more to fix a bug prior to release instead of after release.

I do wonder if Dish is availing themselves to any disciplined release management. Me, I'm used to working under the SEI/CMM framework and it has functioned fairly well.


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