If you're using dual mode then I believe your right and TV2 does have it's own. But in single mode, all TVs get TV1's aspect ratio and format settings.
So what I'd like is format settings for the hd outputs (comp. and hdmi) and a zoom setting for the sd outputs (svideo, composite, distribution) on TV1.
They should also change the format modes on TV2 for HD channels. the current normal mode should be labeled Squeeze (that's what it does) and they should add a mode that does a crop. (for times when there's 4x3 content on an HD channel).
Basically I think it would be cool if the 622 could do this:
HD Outputs
HD Channels - Normal, Stretch, Zoom
SD Channels - Normal, Stretch, Zoom, Gray Bars
SD Outputs
HD Channels - Letterbox, Squeeze, Crop
HD Channels - Letterbox, Squeeze, Crop