622 disappearing timers

This is just a thought..................wait a second.......sorry, just enjoying the moment. Anyway, I was loosing some timers and I couldn't figure it out until I realized it was my "priority" settings for each of the specific timers that was causing the problems.

As soon as I got the 622, I set a "Star Trek SNG, all episodes on G4" timer, followed by "24" & "Lost" as both new episodes only. Shortly after, I added a few other "new weeklys" like "Invasion", "Grey's Anatomy" and "House".

Now G4 runs SNGs at 8 & 9pm which is the same time slots as some of those weekly timers but with the duel tuners, I didn't have any conflicts until I started adding occasional movie timers in the same time periods.

For some reason all the SNGs had a priority # 1 and when I'd add a movie, the 622 automatically put it as a higher priority, dropped the SNG to #2 and just deleted whatever else was conflicting that was lower on the list. For some reason it wasn't putting up a "timer conflict" message and giving me some choices.

I went in and put all my "new episode" weekly timers at the top of the list and moved the SNGs to last priority and this seems to help.

I wish they had a choice to set a particular timer to always be "last" priority so it would only fire if there were no conflicts.
waltinvt said:
This is just a thought..................wait a second.......sorry, just enjoying the moment. Anyway, I was loosing some timers and I couldn't figure it out until I realized it was my "priority" settings for each of the specific timers that was causing the problems.

As soon as I got the 622, I set a "Star Trek SNG, all episodes on G4" timer, followed by "24" & "Lost" as both new episodes only. Shortly after, I added a few other "new weeklys" like "Invasion", "Grey's Anatomy" and "House".

Now G4 runs SNGs at 8 & 9pm which is the same time slots as some of those weekly timers but with the duel tuners, I didn't have any conflicts until I started adding occasional movie timers in the same time periods.

For some reason all the SNGs had a priority # 1 and when I'd add a movie, the 622 automatically put it as a higher priority, dropped the SNG to #2 and just deleted whatever else was conflicting that was lower on the list. For some reason it wasn't putting up a "timer conflict" message and giving me some choices.

I went in and put all my "new episode" weekly timers at the top of the list and moved the SNGs to last priority and this seems to help.

I wish they had a choice to set a particular timer to always be "last" priority so it would only fire if there were no conflicts.
Hi Walt, it sounds like we have very similar viewing habits!

I too recently discovered how the highest priorities default to the newest (Edit: I meant latest) added timer. Unfortunately I didn't take note of this before deleting/adjusting all the timers, so I can't be positive, but I don't think, it contributed to my problems. I did notice that the timers that were being lost had no "recording dot" indicated in the EPG (cancelled or scheduled)... Incidentally, the ones I was losing were OTA "Scrubs" (WCAU 10-01) and "24" (WTXF 29.1). I don't think I was losing any Sat timers.
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Allin4greeN said:
Hi Walt, it sounds like we have very similar viewing habits!

I too recently discovered how the highest priorities default to the newest (Edit: I meant latest) added timer. Unfortunately I didn't take note of this before deleting/adjusting all the timers, so I can't be positive, but I don't think, it contributed to my problems. I did notice that the timers that were being lost had no "recording dot" indicated in the EPG (cancelled or scheduled)... Incidentally, the ones I was losing were OTA "Scrubs" (WCAU 10-01) and "24" (WTXF 29.1). I don't think I was losing any Sat timers.

If they would just have a setting so that any & all conflicts would be presented for resolution when they're scheduled instead of allowing the "priority" settings dictate.

Another thing. What tuner is used for a timer should by dynamic, so that if you happen to be watching something, the timer would automaticall shift to the tuner not in use. There's nothing more aggravating than being in the middle of a good program and having the timer icon come up. Of course if you swap tuners, you loose the buffer and if you were running delayed, you're really screwed.
I am told the problem was bad guide data, they believe that this issue only hit folks with 61.5 dishes.

The fix was to do a check switch or to reboot the receiver, doing so made the timers come back. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
I am told the problem was bad guide data, they believe that this issue only hit folks with 61.5 dishes.

The fix was to do a check switch or to reboot the receiver, doing so made the timers come back. :)
That's not true for me--I have dissappearing and re-appearing timers and I'm not using 61.5. Mine is a DISH 1000 pointing at 110,119,129.
waltinvt said:
...Another thing. What tuner is used for a timer should by dynamic, so that if you happen to be watching something, the timer would automaticall shift to the tuner not in use. There's nothing more aggravating than being in the middle of a good program and having the timer icon come up. Of course if you swap tuners, you loose the buffer and if you were running delayed, you're really screwed.
Agreed, I ran into this the other evening and lost the majority of a program recording because I locked the box up while trying to record two events on Sat channels and switch over to viewing an OTA tuned program :eek:

Everything's a bit of trial and error right now with my 622, seeing what I can and can't get away with :D

Scott Greczkowski said:
I am told the problem was bad guide data, they believe that this issue only hit folks with 61.5 dishes.
That would be me, I'm on 61.5

Thanks Scott!
Well...it's happened again!

Everything was fine today (Monday 5/1), but I checked tonight, and I have once again lost some timers.

Scrubs, SVU, and ER are all gone. All were set to record on 005-01 OTA HD. Some other shows I have set to record on Saturday on PBS 011-02 OTA HD are still present.

Sure hope this gets fixed soon...kinda defeats the object of setting timers when you have to check daily to make sure they haven't gone away.
I have set timers for three events - one OTA and two DN programs - many times since receiving my 622 and didn't have a problem until this week. Monday was the first time I set up timers a day or two before the programs and I lost both of the OTA timers for Wednesday evening. The other timers went off as planned.

I don't use the named recording feature - tried it once for Dr. No and found it needing too much monitoring due to multiple recordings for each new episode. I still do each individual event for once only, weekly, every day, etc. It's an old 921 habit that works for me just fine.
Let me add to the people who still have disappearing timers on the OTA Channels. I'm constantly loosing my preset for CSI, Survivor, Earl, Lost, etc. when they are set to record off the yellow OTA Local HD channels. They seem fine on the new HDLIL's but if I need to record three things I have to keep recreating (normally the morning off the event) the ones on 07-01, 04-01, or 02-01 or else it doesn't record and then I hear about how we missed Numbers and CSI last week because I screwed up....

Last Thursday I set timers for the next day for the Simpson's on Dish's Fox and for a local station - KTLA - on OTA. Both timers survived the night and fired on time the next day. I guess my theory of any prior day advance timers for OTA disappearing was not true.

Yesterday - Monday - I set up timers for Lost and Invasion on ABC OTA along with other timers for Dish channels. This time I will check them tomorrow to make sure they are still there. I'll try to post what I find Thursday morning.

What a pain - I hope they fix this soon:(
Bradtothebone said:
This has been reported in (at least) Kansas City and Boston. It only occurs in markets with LIL HD Locals, but for some reason not in all of them. The fix is to go into your menu under "Local Channels" and hit the button that says, I think, "Sat Locals." You then change the check box from "HD priority" to "Sat Only." After doing this, your timers set for OTA channels will work correctly and never be deleted overnight.


Have the same problem here in southern CA. I have the 622, metal package and locals. With my 942, never had a problem recording two satellite programs and one OTA concurrently. Got the 622 last week, noticed the HD OTA timers disappearing overnight. Am ready to try the menu solution, but have what might be a dumb question. Do I use the "real" channel numbers for OTA, i.e., 07-002 (local ABC HD), or do I use the DISH "local" numbers, i.e., 8000 for the same program?

OK - the OTA timers I set on Monday for Lost and Invasion Wednesday disappeared when I checked on them last night. It looks like timers set 24 hours ahead survive but those set 48 hours ahead don't. The timers set for the dish HD stations survived OK.

Dish, can we get this fixed? I love the 622 but to me this is one of the major bugs.
Manual OTA DVR timers are working for me. I set one up last week for "Scrubs," airing last night. This is the only work-around that I have found.

I used the OTA channel in the EPG (10.1 for me) to set the timer.
Just had my first occurance of this happening. All timers set for my local OTA channels disappeared. They still showed up in the priority list, but not in the actual To-Do schedule. Luckily, I only missed the first 10 minutes of Lost (which I can download from Itunes to see).
I checked my OTA timers for Lost and Invasion last night and they had disappeared again. I set those timers on Monday and then reset them on Tuesday. Wednesday evening they had disappeared again.

I got stung by this last week with the same programs and missed the first half hour of Lost. I learned my lesson and I now double check the timers just before the programs start.
KenSoren said:
I learned my lesson and I now double check the timers just before the programs start.

I agree that the only way to be sure you are getting a GOOD recording (aka HD via OTA) is to sit in front of the 622 and babysit it to be sure it starts to record the OTA timers. This almost makes having a DVR irrelevant if I have to be there for it to start recording though in my opinion.

Of course I could have it record the SAT HD Locals, but who really wants HD that looks like its grainy analog at times?
Using the SAT HD locals is not an option since we record the CBS HD program and watch the FOX American Idol results which are opposite Lost. The system is really nice because after the half hour of Idol results we start watching the Lost recording and after skipping the commercials through Lost and Invasion we are caught up by 11pm. Then we can fall asleep during the news like we always do.
My box was great for the first two months. Never lost an OTA timer. Two nights ago they turned on the High Def Lil in the Dallas area (where I live) and I have lost my OTA timers each day.
txfeinbergs said:
My box was great for the first two months. Never lost an OTA timer. Two nights ago they turned on the High Def Lil in the Dallas area (where I live) and I have lost my OTA timers each day.
How are your locals set in local setup? HD Enabled, SD enabled or disabled?
I am in southern california and my OTA timers started dissapearing as soon as the HD LIL for my area started.

My current setting is: HD only. I will try SD only from today on and report back.

DISH please fix this ASAP!!!

My 622 Flaked Out on The Office Finale

PocketDish Music..iTunes..Protected Music, etc.

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