622 automatically reformatted disk and lost all recorded programs.


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 19, 2006
I turned on my receiver a little while ago and noticed to my great disappointment that all my recorded programs were gone. The receiver is showing nothing recorded. At first I thought it might be a disk crash, but the disk seems fine (at least now). All my timers are still there.

I did look at the counters log and it shows a reformat late last night followed by a fsck (apparently it has a linux file system) at 2:58AM. Anyone know why this happens? Even more importantly, though I assume probably not, how to get the recordings back?

This 622 is probably about 4 years old and while it has had its quirks, I haven't really felt the need to get rid of it until now.
Thanks for any assistance.
Try to unplug it for about 15 minutes and then plug it back in. This has been known to bring back the missing recordings.....
Unfortunately I did try this, but it did not work. I also went through the entire check switch process as well to no effect. Oddly enough, I also logged onto the receiver via Remote Access, and after I finally got it to recognize that the receiver was online, it first showed both HD & SD recording space being completely full, then the receiver became unavailable, then once it came back online, it showed no recordings. As with the online menu, all the timers are there. At least I was able to re-schedule a few things that had recorded that I had not watched yet. Sadly, I lost a couple of recordings from the Voom days. (maybe this is how Dish gets even with them)

As of now, the receiver is acting like a brand new receiver as I've noticed all the menus move much much faster. I did not realize how sluggish it had become until this happened.
Sorry, but there's not any way to recover the recordings that were lost. If the receiver does it again, or you start getting DVR failure messages (anything like that), it will most likely need to be replaced (you can PM one of us DIRT people to get that done).
I suggest you immediately get a HIGH QUALITY EHD and move everything you want in the future to it. Then when the ViP622 goes belly up on you again, you'll still have most of your stuff. When it happens again, time to call in for a replacement. Or maybe you'll want a ViP922 upgrade by then.

I believe if you turn in a ViP622, you'll likely get back a ViP622. But you can always wangle for a ViP722, with or without the "K."
Another argument for archiving your programs on multiple external hard drives (these will fail also from time to time, but can be copied if you have critical programming that you need to have insurance of a backup on).

Having an EHD now only costs you only the price of the drive since Dish did away with the $40 activation fee for DVR archival purposes (not for 211/411).

Learn a little Linux and be able to duplicate the encrypted files from the EHD to another (Search for disharc)(still must be viewed through your Dish receiver).
Try to unplug it for about 15 minutes and then plug it back in. This has been known to bring back the missing recordings.....
If it really did a format as suggested by the logs, unplugging it for 15 minutes won't do anything. I know people have seen error messages and scary warnings and their recordings are missing and after a reboot, they do come back. This is a different scenario though.

As others have suggested, this is often a sign of impending failure of the HDD. It could be a one-time fluke, but just as soon as one presumes that, they'll lose a bunch of recordings after ignoring things !

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