Happened to me too while I was watching this weeks House. The sound kept cutting off constantly. Very annoying.
mlrtime3 said:I put my bug in the sticky topic but I thought I'd create a new one as well.
Watching 24 tonight was painful, constant audio drop outs and audio sync problems. Towards the end of the first episode tonight the audio dropped out completely. This is watching it on the SAT HD Local channel not OTA. I have >90 signal on all 3 sats and it happens on other channels as well.
Also, I noticed that the audio starts going out of sync after about 10 minutes. In this 10 minutes the drop outs stop, but the audio is out of sync. As soon as I pause and un-pause the audio is in sync, but the audio drops out soon after.
How many others are having this same problem? How do we escalate this to Dish and let the techs verify it as a 622 bug and get a ETA on a patch?
MikeD-C05 said:I've yet to see any synch issues at all , KNOCK ON WOOD! Just audio popping. I wonder why some are having the synch issues and some are having the audio popping. Maybe someone could do a poll and see how many are suffering from either issue or both issues, or none of the above.
BobMurdoch said:Most of the ones who aren't having the issue are getting their feeds from OTA sources. There is something hinky about the feed from Fox to E*, or the feed from E* to us.....
mlrtime3 said:Still getting drop-outs/pops myself. But now I also have a new one. The audio will completely out on many HD channels. If I simply rewind or pause, the audio comes on. if I go to 'live' tv, the sound goes dead again.