61.5 repoint to 129

Sorry slow getting back, weather has been too icky to mess w/ it & just now, tonight, got to fool with it...

I actually had to move my dish out to an open area in the back yard 'cause I was clipping part of my garage w/ it... New #'s: on TR21, had 50 before, 75 now; all the rest were around 33-37, now 50-61 :) I'm so happy, but the Mrs. isn't real happy bout the location (told her it was just till spring :))

Figured something was wrong as 129 should be pretty hot across most of the US.
Currently have 110/119 and 61.5 with a DP44 and all VIP recievers. Can I just point to 72 with an extra single dish that I have, and hook it up the switch? I think 129 will be a little hard for me to get due to LOS.
Currently have 110/119 and 61.5 with a DP44 and all VIP recievers. Can I just point to 72 with an extra single dish that I have, and hook it up the switch? I think 129 will be a little hard for me to get due to LOS.
72.7 only has the new HD channels -- all the existing channels are still on 61.5. With all ViP receivers you can install a 1000.4 to get 61.5/72.7/77, but picking up 72.7 alone isn't going to cut it.
72.7 only has the new HD channels -- all the existing channels are still on 61.5. With all ViP receivers you can install a 1000.4 to get 61.5/72.7/77, but picking up 72.7 alone isn't going to cut it.

I would still keep my dish pointing at 61.5, but add a dish to look at 72. That should work right.
I guess I should be posting here, instead of the thread I was using.

I have tried to point my 61.5 dish to the 129. I was using transponder 27 and not having any luck. I tried transponder 21 and got a signal of 76. When I did a check switch afterwards, I got the message I would lose some satellites. I went ahead and did it and now only get 110/119. I am still showing a signal on the 21 transponder, but no signal on the 27 transponder. Anybody know what I am doing wrong?
Well, I was able to get LOS for 129, so I'm good to go for now. My old Bell 82 dish came in handy, just had to get a Dishpro LNB and hook it up to my DP44 switch. Now looking at 61.5/110/119/129, and have all the new HD.
Attempt #2 was a failure for me to reaim my 61.5° to 129°. I fiddled with it for over 90 minutes before I gave up and repointed to 61.5°.

I'll give it one more go on Sunday before I admit defeat and call an installer or Time Waner cable. I haven't decided yet.
HALELUJAH!!!! Success! After close to 90 minutes on my third attemp I finally was able to pull in a weak signal on 129° (mid 20s after peaking both el & az). The biggest problem was that the "pros" that installed the dish did not install it plumb. It was just a hair off and that threw me. Just as I was about to give up, I picked up 119°. When this happend I had two points in the arc and I could put my college trig to the test and figured out where 129 should be. BANG! Found it. I expected a stonger signal (30s at least) but I have to wait and see anyway. In a few weeks I will know for sure if I am shooting through or over the trees. It's a very close call, but at least .

All this for "Top Gear", "Dr. Who" and a couple of rerun movie channels. :) I just had to have them!
Confused with HD!!

I just bought a HD reciever, 612, and signed up for the HD package. But i'm just recieving about 15 HD channels and the picture certainly does not look HD. I have a 6' and a 4' dish pointed to 110 and 119. I was told that 61.5 or 129 was not needed. I have both dishes running to a DP 34 switch, then to my 612 reciever, using a seperator to connect both the sat 1 and 2 inputs.
Any ideas?
check to see if it is set to 1080

I just bought a HD reciever, 612, and signed up for the HD package. But i'm just recieving about 15 HD channels and the picture certainly does not look HD. I have a 6' and a 4' dish pointed to 110 and 119. I was told that 61.5 or 129 was not needed. I have both dishes running to a DP 34 switch, then to my 612 reciever, using a seperator to connect both the sat 1 and 2 inputs.
Any ideas?

You will have to make sure that the 612 has been set to an HD resolution. They come for the factory set to 480. menu 6 8 then set to correct resolution of your set. you will need 129 to get more HD 110/119 only have a few of the HD channels. 61.5 is getting a new sat this fall sometime and will most likely have a spot set up for PR if what I've seen is correct.
Buffalo - EA or WA

The Buffalo HD locals are on 61.5, but I'm getting the other channels on 119 and 110 (including the SD locals on 110)

Should I move all to EA or move to 129 (WA)?

Buffalo isn't on 129.
Yes. I have a 501. But where I have my Dish 500 (West wall of my house), I cannot turn the dish to get 72.7°. And then there is a tree issue. I was shooting through a hole in the trees on the hill to get 61.5°.
I just bought a HD reciever, 612, and signed up for the HD package. But i'm just recieving about 15 HD channels and the picture certainly does not look HD. I have a 6' and a 4' dish pointed to 110 and 119. I was told that 61.5 or 129 was not needed. I have both dishes running to a DP 34 switch, then to my 612 reciever, using a seperator to connect both the sat 1 and 2 inputs.
Any ideas?

You are correct.. all of your HD comes from 110/119 for Puerto Rico.
You will have to make sure that the 612 has been set to an HD resolution. They come for the factory set to 480. menu 6 8 then set to correct resolution of your set. you will need 129 to get more HD 110/119 only have a few of the HD channels. 61.5 is getting a new sat this fall sometime and will most likely have a spot set up for PR if what I've seen is correct.

It is different in PR, just like AK/HI they get HD on spotbeams.

Damn, damn, damn... :)

I sort of expected it, but today was proof. A little bit of rain and leaves on trees = no signal as the branches sag in the signal path.

So in between rain squalls I reamed the the dish back to 61.5° from 129°. Time to do what I have been dreading... moving the dish... CRAP!

Damn, damn, damn... :)

I sort of expected it, but today was proof. A little bit of rain and leaves on trees = no signal as the branches sag in the signal path.

So in between rain squalls I reamed the the dish back to 61.5° from 129°. Time to do what I have been dreading... moving the dish... CRAP!

Cut the tree branches away?? That would be easier than moving the dish.

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