Well I finished my testing and of coarse I didn't get it to pull off 61.5 but something else strange happened but I'm not going to complain. The only obvious explanation might be that the fired up the thrusters on 129 last night and repositioned it because after making my changes, I have signals on 129 I never had before. my average signal on 129 use to be from the low 60's to a maximum of around 72 across the board. Now, after moving my ports around starting with port 1 to 61.5, 110, 119 and lastly 129. I get the following signals on 129
Transponder ----- Signal - HD Channel
1 - 78
2 - 68
3 - 0 which is strange since Gallery, Rush and Film Fest are there
4 - 83
5 - 78
6 - 65
7 - 74
8 - 76
9 - 87
10 - 80
11 - 72 Treasure, World Sport and World Cinema
12 - 82
13 - 88
16 - 74
17 - 82
18 - 68
19 - 87 Universal
21 - 78
22 - 69
23 - 77 Equator, Animania and Monsters
27 - 78
30 - 85 Rave, Kung Fu and HD News
31 - 0 Ultra, Game and Family
1 - 91 Gallery, Rush and Film
2 - 102
3 - 88 Rave, Kung Fu and HD News
4 - 91
5 - 87
7 - 91 Equator, Animania and Monsters
8 - 102
9 - 90 Treasure, World Sport and World Cinema
10 - 105
11 - 91
12 - 113
13 - 86 Ultra, Game and Family
14 - 114
15 - 92
16 - 98
17 - 87
18 - 102
19 - 93 Universal
20 - 89
21 - 87
22 - 91
23 - 95
24 - 100
25 - 102
27 - 98
29 - 101
30 - 91
31 - 96
I will admit that I need to fine tune 61.5 as I was in a big hurry when I installed it last week taking me an entire five minutes after the pole was in. I will wait a week or so and check my signals again and set my ports back to their original positions and compare again but until then, still pulling 129, if I only knew how long HD locals were going to stay on Conus, I would disconnect 129 and move to New York.
Edit: I forgot to mention that these signals were taken with very heavy clouds and it's about to storm.