PKII, i put the lnb arms in after i put the dish together but had to really push in because it is tight. as far as the washers i went to home depot it was around tow dollars for the washers. so i did use all of them. Robby has been good to help with anything missing if you call him. you also want to check the arms once assembled for proper focal point. mine was off a little bit so after a little tinkering i was able to get a proper focal point.
Sorry to hear that. but yes any local hardware like true value, depot or lowes you can get them for like 3-5cents a piece.
yes for the price is outstanding. there might be pealing paint or missing bolts. but Robby takes care of the missing parts if any, he has been awesome!!!. paint can be takin care of with a five dollar can of rustoleum and (you can pick your color. if it wasnt for him i would not have a cband system because the prices were out of budget.....much thanks goes to Robby
My thoughts exactly ! I wouldn't have c-band if it weren't for the great deal from Robby and WSI . Now I'm looking for a local 8 footer to replace it.
Better stop now, or you'll have a big project coming up !!!!I bought mine to keep me from dragging an old 11' mesh out of the shed and assembling it to get C-band, So this 6' dish will get me enough of a taste to want to go ahead and get the 11' up? OOOOoooooo nnOooooooooooo. LOL