522 Dishin'it up promo details

Dish 'n It Up Direct Lease

For Existing Customers Only (At least 6 mo. because that's how long I waited before I took advantage of the promo last year after install)

$49.99 Fee for Install (They will NOT send you one, and installer HAS to deliver it... I know- Stupid)

Extra Receiver Fee: Once you have receiver, that receiver is subject to extra receiver fee if it is being added to account, receiver fees stay the same if you are replacing a current receiver on account.

VOD Fee: If adding a 522 to your acct, you would be charged an additional $4.98/mo Video On Demand fee, even if you are already paying one ea mo. already for an existing DVR (ie... DISH 510)
I wonder if DHP folks wont be eligible because I don't see the screen. well I'm still under contract until 2/7 so perhaps I wont see it until then.
Well, I didnt see anyone asking this, so Im gonna ask...

If you have a 322 already installed, would you still have to pay the 49.99 install fee? seing as the only thing that needs to be done in this situation is a box swap! I guess I should just call and find out... The wife wants to get the DVR function, I could care less at current moment... However, I cant see forking out 50$ for a box swap...

That would make sense to me. But they probably wont let you switch to begin with because you're on the DHA/DHP lease promo.
You can't dodge the install fee. They wouldn't let me with the 510 install quite a while back. I doubt they will let you with this. Even if "install" means the guy drops it off and activates it for you. Even if you could, they would still charge the $50 and call it a "setup" fee, or initiation fee. Likely most of this money goes to the distributor and is probably a bone they are throwing to them. Since most installs will be a plug and activate, it's easy money for the regional distributors.

Sounds like a good deal. I'll de-activate a 4900 and 2800 and have the 522 take their place. With a family of 4 I'm finding the need (I know... is it really a need) to record quite a few shows at the same time. Now if they could just make it easy to share recording within the home!
Hmm, they mailed me the 510 that was the upgrade for my 2000. But previously when I traded from the DP 7200 to 501, that came only via a local dealer.

So it is $49 to have a dealer deliver it and hook it up and that is it? No trade in? What about the lease fee? So do you end up with lease fee, extra receiver fee and DVR fee?
The lease fee takes place of the extra receiver fee. So leasing doesn't cost more than owning.
Just called the "special" Club Dish hot line and the rep said teh same thing. Lease fee replaces the extra receiver fee. But she did say that the $49 was a delivery fee and that there was also a $50 install fee. Both are must pays. So it is $99 to get it, but like you guys said if replacing a 510, then it is a wash after that.
The question is do they still charge a lease fee if that is the only receiver on your account and you have a phoneline hooked up to avoid the additional outlet fee?
If you have only one receiver on the acct, you will never see a receiver fee. As far at the LEASE fee everyone is talking about, IT DOES NOT EXIST. You pay an extra receiver fee on the acct for ea. receiver AFTER THE FIRST ONE, up to six. Whether you lease or own a receiver, it doesn't matter. So to answer another question as well, YES is IS wiser nowadays to lease recievers rather than own, because either way you WILL pay extra receiver fees (after the 1st one), and you will always pay DVR fees on the new DVR's, starting with the 510
BFG said:
I think that deal with the 1 522 is only for the DHA subs that are already leasing the boxes, the Dish rules are that you can only lease 1 522, so those that bought a 522 and now want to lease one, I don't think you'll have a problem

So I can not get 2 522's next month? (One for the Family room & one for the bedroom). That sux0rs :(
Nope. but that one 522 can feed both the family room and the bedroom, so what's the big deal.
BFG said:
Nope. but that one 522 can feed both the family room and the bedroom, so what's the big deal.
Because I'm much more interested in having 2 seperate physical boxes. What's the point of having a device that can send 2 seperate channels to 2 places, that can not record 2 seperate programs at the same time.

Well looks like I'll be investigating DirecTivo a little further. Also what is with the VOD fee?!?!?!? :(
The 522 does this, nes pa?

You can watch 1, record 1.
You can record 2, watch same 2
You can watch 2, record 0.
You can record 2, watch 2 different recordings.

Thus the 522 has two personalities. In one personality it is split personality acting as two seperate receivers in one box. In the other personality it is one receiver with two inputs.

The DirecTivo units always acts as one receiver with two inputs.
The 522 would be a great Box to have if you could watch recorded video without all the audio dropouts. The latest software 2.33 has made this problem worse than ever for me.
I'm still a little confused on the fees associated with this deal as compared to those of us that bought units off ebay. I bought a 522 for $180 off ebay and replaced my 501. My bill has my regular programming charge(AT120+locals 39.99) and a $5 DVR fee and thats it. The extra outlet fee is waived since I keep it plugged in. It seems if I got in on the lease I'd have to pay for my programming package, a $5 lease fee and the $5 DVR fee. Correct, or do they waive the DVR fee on the lease?
It looks to be pretty much a wash, about a 1.5 year paypack on the initial purchase. That sounds about right for todays disposable electronics. I bought a DVD player to keep over at my mother-in-law's house for the kids to use when she watches them and a good pair of A/V cables cost more than the DVD player.

Another "new guy" question

recording from 301 guide to dvd?

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