510: Making an exception to a daily recording?


Original poster
Jan 12, 2004
I've set up a Monday-Friday recording of, say, Law & Order at 9 o'clock. But on one occasion a few days from now I want to record something else instead. Can I create this exception without deleting my regular recording? The only thing I can see to do is to set up each day manually until after the exception has been recorded. Is there a better way?
Thanks for the response, "Applied". May I ask for clarification of two terms that you used:

"should": meaning, a) justice demands it, or b) I have reason to believe that it really will happen

"near future": a) There's an announced plan for a software update within the next few [days/weeks/months], or b) perhaps someday.

We should get the feature as it has been requested by lots already. The recently (a couple months ago) added that feature to the 721. They also added record show from buffer to the 721 on the same release, and we've already been told that that feature is in beta testing for the 501-510. I don't see why the skip once feature won't be included in the same software. OF course no gaurantees but if I had to guess when we'd get these features, I'd shoot for about 3 months.
A really stupid thing about Dish PVR's, if you have a scheduled recording for say, Thursday at 9 PM then go forward a week in the guide and try to set a weekly recording at the same time for a different show, it will kill the existing event even though you are scheduling in the future.
DarrellP said:
A really stupid thing about Dish PVR's, if you have a scheduled recording for say, Thursday at 9 PM then go forward a week in the guide and try to set a weekly recording at the same time for a different show, it will kill the existing event even though you are scheduling in the future.


Actually won't it present both the existing weekly event and also the new event that you are trying to schedule? It asks if you wish to delete or edit the old (or new) event. Can you not edit the original weekly event to reflect one time and thus remove the conflict?

Just curious... no hassle intended.

tangible said:
Thanks for the response, "Applied". May I ask for clarification of two terms that you used:

"should": meaning, a) justice demands it, or b) I have reason to believe that it really will happen

"near future": a) There's an announced plan for a software update within the next few [days/weeks/months], or b) perhaps someday.


Re "near future" - both of my 508's received a software update today (1/13/04) - I have not yet found any changes.


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