501/508 For sale


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
I have a 501/508 I need to sale as I am upgrading to HD and my price is 100 dollars. It is in excellent condition and about 7 months old and comes with 2 UHF remotes and origianl packing. Buyer will pay shipping charges.
Stalker said:
I have a 501/508 I need to sale as I am upgrading to HD and my price is 100 dollars. It is in excellent condition and about 7 months old and comes with 2 UHF remotes and origianl packing. Buyer will pay shipping charges.
hey can you tell mif this is the echostar pvr 501 reciever and does it come with the original remote and card
LOL - Pickerty..

i see you really digged it out :)

the ad is dated ..like in April :) .. check the date on it..

It's more likely GONE!.. long time ago

Wtb: Legacy Receiver

921 for sale

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