501 / 508 Expansion port


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Original poster
Oct 19, 2003
Is the expansion port on the 501/508 models usable.

Meaning .. can I connect another hard drive to it or my PC?

I am looking for a way to copy the recorded MPEG files to my PC.

At this time it is not usable for anything to my knowledge. Dish Network did mention on the last Tech Chat the remote possibility of having the capability of DVD Recorders and so forth being used through those ports but may not happen due to legal reasons.

If it is legal to record a TV show or Movie to a VHS tape (I assume it is b/c why even allow VCR's to be sold if it is illegal...) then it shouldn't be illegal to record a broadcasted show to a pc for DVD burning.
Howdy, I agree with you 100% but the RIAA does not. They figure that the VCR copy would be so bad that you would have a hard time selling it in mass quantities even if you record it at the best quality. On the other hand if you record the digital signal directly to your DVR and then extract it to another digital medium ie computer or hard drive then transfer it to a DVD it would be a very high resolution copy of the original show. Then it could be mass produced digitally and sold as bootleg movies and that is what they are trying to stop. I believe that every person has the right to back up their movies digitally so they can watch them later in good quality but as always there are always people that would take advantage of this and bootleg their movies. So we have to pay for the dishonest people among us.

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