From the FCC Regulations;
" 19. While we decline to adopt a formula based on a specific percentage of the cost ofequipment or services, we do require that the costs of complying with governmental and nongovernmental restrictions on the installation, maintenance and use of devices designed for over-the-air reception not be unreasonable in light of the cost of the equipment or services and the visual impact of the antenna. Under this approach, restrictions cannot require that
relatively unobtrusive DBS antennas be screened by expensive landscaping.
On the otherhand, a requirement to paint an antenna in a fashion that will not interfere with reception so that it blends into the background against which it is mounted would likely be acceptable. In determining the reasonableness of any additional cost, we will also consider the treatment of comparable devices. For example, if costs are imposed to screen other similar devices in the neighborhood, such as air conditioning units, trash receptacles, etc., similar requirements imposed on antennas may be reasonable under our rule even though they might increase the cost of installation, maintenance or use, if such measures are justified by visual impact. We believe that this approach adequately addresses the concerns of those who argue that requirements to paint, screen, or site antennas in particular ways will reduce the competitiveness of particular industries, and accommodates the interests of governmental and nongovernmental authorities, consumers, and providers of TVBS, MMDS and DBS. "
FCC Fact Sheet on Placement of Antennas
If I understand correctly, you file an appeal and everything stops ( no payments) until FCC reviews and issues an order.
" 19. While we decline to adopt a formula based on a specific percentage of the cost ofequipment or services, we do require that the costs of complying with governmental and nongovernmental restrictions on the installation, maintenance and use of devices designed for over-the-air reception not be unreasonable in light of the cost of the equipment or services and the visual impact of the antenna. Under this approach, restrictions cannot require that
relatively unobtrusive DBS antennas be screened by expensive landscaping.
On the otherhand, a requirement to paint an antenna in a fashion that will not interfere with reception so that it blends into the background against which it is mounted would likely be acceptable. In determining the reasonableness of any additional cost, we will also consider the treatment of comparable devices. For example, if costs are imposed to screen other similar devices in the neighborhood, such as air conditioning units, trash receptacles, etc., similar requirements imposed on antennas may be reasonable under our rule even though they might increase the cost of installation, maintenance or use, if such measures are justified by visual impact. We believe that this approach adequately addresses the concerns of those who argue that requirements to paint, screen, or site antennas in particular ways will reduce the competitiveness of particular industries, and accommodates the interests of governmental and nongovernmental authorities, consumers, and providers of TVBS, MMDS and DBS. "
FCC Fact Sheet on Placement of Antennas
If I understand correctly, you file an appeal and everything stops ( no payments) until FCC reviews and issues an order.