4K Joey and 4K Channels (Updated)

If I am thinking right, is the Hopper + still a one time fee of 50.00? I also have to call Dish?? The Only Reservation for me doing this, would have to be replacing the Hopper 3, and I know, that HipKat wasn't sure why I would have to replace the Hopper 3.
You don't have to replace the Hopper 3. The Hopper+ plugs into your Hopper 3s USB port. Then the HDMI cable to your TV unlplugs from your Hopper 3 and plugs into your Hopper+.
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You don't have to replace the Hopper 3. The Hopper+ plugs into your Hopper 3s USB port. Then the HDMI cable to your TV unlplugs from your Hopper 3 and plugs into your Hopper+.
When I did have a tech visit months ago, the tech told me, that I would have to replace the Hopper 3. I had recordings on that, which I didn't want deleted or replaced with a new one. He was going to try a jump drive, but I wasn't really pleased with this tech. He tried installing the Hopper Plus before the jump drive, but I still do not think, that he really didn't want to be here.
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When I did have a tech visit months ago, the tech told me, that I would have to replace the Hopper 3. I had recordings on that, which I didn't want deleted or replaced with a new one. He was going to try a jump drive, but I wasn't really pleased with this tech. He tried installing the Hopper Plus before the jump drive, but I still do not think, that he really didn't want to be here.
I think your tech needed some Hopper+ training. There is no way you would need to replace your exusting H3.
I fell for what the CSR that day. The only way to upgrade to get a new Joey, like the Joey 4, is to get the Hopper Plus. While the Hopper Plus may be better today, than when it came out, I still have hesitations, not to get the Hopper Plus.

The hopper plus is great now. It had LOTS of issues before.

It was so bad that I didn't even post a review.

But now I highly recommend it.

Also remember if for some reason you don't like it. Just unplug it and plug the hdmi cable back into your Hopper. There is no requirement or need to actually have it hooked up. But it is so good now I don't see why you wouldn't.

It's come a long way baby. :)

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If I am thinking right, is the Hopper + still a one time fee of 50.00? I also have to call Dish?? The Only Reservation for me doing this, would have to be replacing the Hopper 3, and I know, that HipKat wasn't sure why I would have to replace the Hopper 3.
Yeah, there's no reason for that
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When I did have a tech visit months ago, the tech told me, that I would have to replace the Hopper 3. I had recordings on that, which I didn't want deleted or replaced with a new one. He was going to try a jump drive, but I wasn't really pleased with this tech. He tried installing the Hopper Plus before the jump drive, but I still do not think, that he really didn't want to be here.
The thing I would do is go into Settings\Diagnostic Screen\Tools and look for the Android Software and trigger a manual update
Not so fast, with newer updates, we're seeing a lot of problems with Joey 4's when the Plus is removed from the system. The only fixes have been reinstall the Plus and let it update or swap the 4's for Joey 3's

HipKat's comment has me concerned. I have been thinking of purchasing a Joey4 from Solidsignal to replace Dish Anywhere which has a max resolution of 720P so I can watch Dish's HD channels on my basement Toshiba Fire TV.

Some have mentioned using their Joey4 with their Hopper+ disconnected. Can everyone that are using a Joey4 with the Hopper+ disconnected comment on any problems they are having with their Joey4

Dish needs to address customers that want to be able to watch 4K HDR content on non Hopper3 TV's. Particularly since the Joey4K does not work with Dish 4K HDR content.

Another reason why I don't want a Hopper+ is that I use both the HDMI output and the component output on my Hopper3 receiver.

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Lol, other than certain sports events that's still many years out if ever at all over satellite.
I got all the 4k content on Direct TV... Right now there looks to be 4 4k Games this weekend on Fox and NBC. I see nothing in the schedule for Dish. Not to mention the stations in 4k only show on the hopper not the 4k Joeys. These people are clowns. I want out of my contract. Complete and total horseshit.
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HipKat's comment has me concerned. I have been thinking of purchasing a Joey4 from Solidsignal to replace Dish Anywhere which has a max resolution of 720P so I can watch Dish's HD channels on my basement Toshiba Fire TV.

Some have mentioned using their Joey4 with their Hopper+ disconnected. Can everyone that are using a Joey4 with the Hopper+ disconnected comment on any problems they are having with their Joey4

Dish needs to address customers that want to be able to watch 4K HDR content on non Hopper3 TV's. Particularly since the Joey4K does not work with Dish 4K HDR content.

Another reason why I don't want a Hopper+ is that I use both the HDMI output and the component output on my Hopper3 receiver.

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I would run from Dish... I also think think the picture quality is better on Youtube.tv
I got all the 4k content on Direct TV... Right now there looks to be 4 4k Games this weekend on Fox and NBC. I see nothing in the schedule for Dish. Not to mention the stations in 4k only show on the hopper not the 4k Joeys. These people are clowns. I want out of my contract. Complete and total horseshit.
There is a Fox 4K football game on channel 540-02 on Thursday evening and two more on Saturday. Dish does not have a 4K contract with NBC so that ECU-Michigan game will not be in 4K. That game is also a Peacock exclusive. You are correct about the 4K Joeys which are incapable of HDR over satellite. The Joey 4s are capable however.
I purchase a Joey 4 from Solid Signal in February and have used it without the Hopper+. I have not had any issues with it. The last update it received was in May, ver. P517.
HipKat's comment has me concerned. I have been thinking of purchasing a Joey4 from Solidsignal to replace Dish Anywhere which has a max resolution of 720P so I can watch Dish's HD channels on my basement Toshiba Fire TV.

Some have mentioned using their Joey4 with their Hopper+ disconnected. Can everyone that are using a Joey4 with the Hopper+ disconnected comment on any problems they are having with their Joey4

Dish needs to address customers that want to be able to watch 4K HDR content on non Hopper3 TV's. Particularly since the Joey4K does not work with Dish 4K HDR content.

Another reason why I don't want a Hopper+ is that I use both the HDMI output and the component output on my Hopper3 receiver.

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The 4K Joey (not the Joey 4) is currently not capabile of playing 4K HDR, but some have implied that if you record the 4K HDR event on the 540-X channels that the 4K Joey can play such events but the picture is washed out a bit due to the absence of HDR decoding. YMMV
4k Joey cant play recorded DVR 4k Content
Did you install it or DISH technician?
I installed it myself. It replaced a Joey 3. There is a different phone number on the box to call in to activate it, different from the onscreen number. It takes you direct to someone that knows that you need to download the Android files, which I had already done. I was on the phone with them for about 6 or 7 minutes.
I purchase a Joey 4 from Solid Signal in February and have used it without the Hopper+. I have not had any issues with it. The last update it received was in May, ver. P517.

So if the last update was in May I wonder if you need a Hopper+ to receive new updates.
Can someone verify what the latest update and version and date is for the Joey4.

I would be concerned if a Joey4 without a Hopper+ can not get updates.

Actually I just checked under Download ATV files and P517 is listed as the file needed for a Joey4. So maybe that is ok. I would think that there would be updates between May and August 28. Maybe the updates are different from the Android files.

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So if the last update was in May I wonder if you need a Hopper+ to receive new updates.
Can someone verify what the latest update and version and date is for the Joey4.

I would be concerned if a Joey4 without a Hopper+ can not get updates.

Actually I just checked under Download ATV files and P517 is listed as the file needed for a Joey4. So maybe that is ok. I would think that there would be updates between May and August 28. Maybe the updates are different from the Android files.

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The atv files are stored directly on the hopper, so you do not need a plus for them to receive any updates. But as for the actual software, the atv files is all there is.
It does receive updates. It was on ver. P512 when I installed it in February.
So if the last update was in May I wonder if you need a Hopper+ to receive new updates.
Can someone verify what the latest update and version and date is for the Joey4.

I would be concerned if a Joey4 without a Hopper+ can not get updates.

Actually I just checked under Download ATV files and P517 is listed as the file needed for a Joey4. So maybe that is ok. I would think that there would be updates between May and August 28. Maybe the updates are different from the Android files.

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Home Theater System Resets Hopper

PPV issues on free downloads expiring immediately
