4DTV Area merged with C-Band area

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I can lock the DVB-S2 signal with the TT S2-3200. It's too bad the channels are all encrypted.

Encryption thats a bad word. Too bad they wouldn't just dump CA mode and run things like the very early days of satellite. Hey than history may repeat itself with everyone wanting a bud. :D
Why is the 4DTV area inside the Free To Air (FTA) forum when 4DTV is a subscription service? Seems to me that it should be directly under "Signals From The Sky" instead. Otherwise, thanks for adding this sub-forum, it is greatly appreciated.
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Maybe there'd be more interest in 4DTV if it was more visible (outside the FTA area)?
At the very least, this forum should be located directly below "Other Satellite/Cable TV offerings" or even better yet, below "Signals from the Sky".
In 2011, this forum should also be renamed from 4DTV to HITS as subscription programming on c-band will continue to be available.
But we will have 4dtv's That's what my receiver says :) This forum is suppose to be anything DC-2 related, consumer commercial etc.
We've been moved.

I wonder what this means for the 4DTV.
Is this a taste of what's to come? ?
Has 4DTV simply reached it's life expectancy?
Is the world really round?
Am I blind in one eye & def in the other?
well last I checked 4DTV was on C-Band correct?

This is something that was talked about a few months ago actually (this past spring). We thought of merging the C-Band and the 4DTV area together but at the time there was lots of uncertainty with programming etc. Now that it has calmed down (ie: not a lot of channel movement on either side) looks like Scott merged the two areas together :)
not really. Its combined with the C-Band forum

This is something that was talked about a few months ago actually (this past spring). We thought of merging the C-Band and the 4DTV area together but at the time there was lots of uncertainty with programming etc. Now that it has calmed down (ie: not a lot of channel movement on either side) looks like Scott merged the two areas together
I always felt it should be moved up a level and stand beside FTA, DISH,and DTV. Seems a natural spot for it. It's C-Band but not FTA.
I have no interest in Digicipher and don't want to surf through it to read FTA C-Band stuff.
Well, my 2 cents worth.
I have no interest in Digicipher and don't want to surf through it to read FTA C-Band stuff.
When I joined, it was integrated with C-band stuff, as I recall.
For a newbie, that was a little confusing, but I managed.
And it was MUCH more active and relevant back then.

When it went separate, I worried that some posts which were more general C-band/hardware related, got lost in the 4D department.
So, I tried to read both, to learn as much as possible.

Today, there's not much going on.
So, both pay-service HITS, and FTA on Digicipher hardware, should integrate nicely with C-band talk.
In fact, the combining may even help the interest in Digicipher equipment; never know! - :up

OH, and making the topics of every thread more CLEAR, is always helpful too!
(getting to be one of my pet peeves: meaningless thread titles! )
no, not this one - all of 'em! ;)
I see that quite a bit of good 4D related information was removed with the merging. This is sad that pressure from outside sources caused this. I hope those who who pushed so much for this are happy.
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Like Iceberg said this was talked about a while ago. :(

What benefit is gained by combining these again???

It was not all that long ago the 4DTV area was created. This website has

a lot of info here and I thought that the more the dedicated areas the

easier it would be to find info related to your interest(s). Heck it is all TV

related so why have separate forums at all??? :rolleyes:
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4 X 2 diseqc switch

Statement from Scott - 4DTV Merged With C Band Forum

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