I have no interest in Digicipher and don't want to surf through it to read FTA C-Band stuff.
When I joined, it was integrated with C-band stuff, as I recall.
For a newbie, that was a little confusing, but I managed.
And it was MUCH more active and relevant back then.
When it went separate, I worried that some posts which were more general C-band/hardware related, got lost in the 4D department.
So, I tried to read both, to learn as much as possible.
Today, there's not much going on.
So, both pay-service HITS, and FTA on Digicipher hardware, should integrate nicely with C-band talk.
In fact, the combining may even help the interest in Digicipher equipment; never know! - :up
OH, and making the topics of every thread more CLEAR, is always helpful too!
(getting to be one of my pet peeves: meaningless thread titles! )
no, not this one - all of 'em!