I feel the same way, except like an idiot a few years ago I got rid of my last analog receiver so I need to get something that does not require a battery just to remember where the sats are.I have a few analog receivers here I can use if the 4D lost it's maps that I have in there now. Right now my game plan is to not subscribe to W5 unless we get all the satellites including generics mapped. I hate to say it but unless Skyvision and SRL make a few changes ASAP to get us things needed as budheads they will loose out on quite a few. IMHO Sky/SRL should be working to move forward if they intend to be in this long term. If they plan to just ride out the old 4D technology till HITS changes everything to combo then it's not worth buying into and the days of C band subscription is over. All I can hope for is that if thats the case Charlie and NPS go out of business for what they caused. I doubt Sobongo will go far and Dish Network is really doing there share to piss off their subscribers lately, with many jumping ship. That will lead to Charlie's downfall.