Seems to me that was one of the original reasons (not to loose tiles) for starting the project. Now you want to remove tiles?
The "possibility" of not allowing the user to change the maps is also beginning to sound like Motorola/GI all over again. I hope I am misunderstanding.
We are interested in what is best and some tiles are useless.
We are not trying to play Motorola. We want to make it easy for the majority to understand and use. A lot of people screwed up the conversion. What makes you think there up to setting parameters? There may be a version that allows data entry. If that is the case generics are not needed since all you do is put the data in when someone with a stream reader captures the info and your good to go.
Case in point: Can most take the cover off the 4D and hook up a bdm cable then run the program and enter data? At this point it looks like this will be the way it will be. As far as RF or any other method they are on the back burner and may never become a reality especially with the limited budget we have. Remember we can't do what Motorola can do, charge tall dollars to the end user for R&D then order them to buy 200,000 units or they won't be built. All need to be happy with what we can come up with and what works for the majority. There is only a handful of people working on the project and donating there time and talents for the good of all. If it's not up to some liking were sorry. Who ever don't want to use our release or aren't happy with our decisions are free to take the original 4Play code (you can download it at my 4DTV Online site) and make your own program and interface if you want.
You can never make everyone happy :shocked

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