The season ended with a flash.... I did not even watched it but it was Kate talking to Jack. What could be the relevance to that? Someone may say not me... How stupid was the way Charlie died? Can they expect everyone to swallow that pill? Charlie had plenty of time to get out and sealed the door and there was no point in staying since he had already unjammed the signal and got the message from the woman on the video. So again Charlie what was the point in dying when he, obviously, did not need to? Maybe we should ask the writter but that I could not understand. Then come Lock out of nowhere and tries to stop Jack. Out of nowhere because at no point in time we were made aware that Lock knew something. Is that bad script writting? And now to the big finally -- "the bad guys" according to Ben are the ones in the boat. Is this just streatching the script a little bit? I mean now Ben is soft and the bad guys are the ones in the boat. The writing on this show deserves another look because it looks like it was made out of high school notebook.
charlie had to die, according to desmonds visions if he(charlie) did not die then they would not get rescued. Last time Desmond had a vision penny was charlie was supposed to die and penny was supposed to be the one that parachuted onto the island, charlie didnt die and naimoi was the one that landed on the island. So even thought he could have escaped Charlie must think if he doesnt die then nobody gets saved.
charlie had to die, according to desmonds visions if he(charlie) did not die then they would not get rescued. Last time Desmond had a vision penny was charlie was supposed to die and penny was supposed to be the one that parachuted onto the island, charlie didnt die and naimoi was the one that landed on the island. So even thought he could have escaped Charlie must think if he doesnt die then nobody gets saved.
I agree about the stupidity of Charlie's death. Terribly wasteful and disappointing.
Locke is different. Walt came to him; we don't know what he said.
I am looking forward to see what hell they just unleashed. If I EVEN remember the story-line in 9 months![]()
In last weeks lost extra's show they said the show would talk about the future too, so jack and kate talking after they were rescued is part of the future aspect, im assuming.
I agree, I really enjoyed it.the last episode was the best i've seen of lost, makes me really love the show again![]()